Little Usual Venturing of Horrors

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"The machine..."

"The crack in time and space..."


"I think we both agree that haunting dreams are a bit cliche, don't you think Billy?"

The Doctor shifted his blanket off his once-been bedside.

"Above all, we both know-that your nefarious deeds won't be going anywhere."

This version of one and only yellow-colored triangular dream demon appeared in the flash right in front of the Doctor.

"Well, Well, Well! Aren't you the INTERFERING one!"

The Doctor scoffs and snaps back at the obvious enemy, "Interfere? Interfere! Of course I should interfere. Always do what you're best at, that's what I say."

"OH-REALLY, Like What Happened All Those Years AGO?"

The sudden warping background shows a familiar man with noticeable scarf was boarding into the police box...

"Quick, Quick. Inside...!"

A blond dark-haired woman alongside with a man stopped.

"Wha-What's the matter with you...?"

The Doctor turned away from the distant memory...his eyes being shadowed.

"I am not coming with you..."

"Inside! That's an order!"

Suddenly the whole setting soon was seemed to be set on aflame...

Lasers shooting everywhere...

Monsters were rampant...were having a time of their lives...


The Doctor whipped back to, only this time, a man in ragged dark green Edwardian was arguing with another female.

"I am not part of the war...I swear to you...I never was..."

"YOU Are A Timelord!"

A laser blasted around the memory, which showered dust everywhere.

"Doctor No More..."

"The Doctor, the man who keeps running...never looking back because he dare not...out of shame..."

Then behold, a giant crack tears across the sky, behind a giant city that seemed to be falling apart.

"Good Morning, Raggedy Man."

A giant howling woken the Doctor.

"GAH! Oof!"

The Doctor shook himself in focus.

He carefully peered back at the machine that he, Clara, and Stan were trying to remake.

They were almost done. About give or take five "time-related-ish calculations".

Days? Weeks? Months?

The Doctor grimaced.


"When do I reveal myself to them from my own family man guise...? Am I too ashamed?"

A howling erupted the Doctor's thoughts.

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