Chapter 25: I Love You Too

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"Catherine isn't sick," Mari sighed in relief as she read the text message that popped up on her phone.

Josh looked up from his phone, his eyes ecstatic in delight. "She isn't?!"

Mari could feel tears welling in her eyes. "She's okay."

Josh hugged her tightly and laughed triumphantly. "Catherine Daei. Escaping once more. Can't be beat."

"How that girl is still alive is beyond me," Mari chuckled, holding her husband close. "God, she's okay. She's actually okay."

"Amy!" Josh called. "Let's get ice cream!"

"What for?" Amy frowned, running into the room.

"Celebration!" Josh laughed.

"Of what?"

"Life," Josh shrugged. "Come on, peanut."

"Okay," Amy grinned.


"Doctor?" An older gentleman with a cane asked, approaching Jack. "May we have a word in private?"

"Sure," Jack nodded. "How can I help you?"

"We're here on behalf of the Federation. I'm afraid we have to discuss some rather unpleasant business with you, sir."

"Oh? What is it?" Jack asked with concern.

"You see, sir, your brother's gotten himself into a bit of a predicament."

Jack frowned severely. "What happened? Is he hurt?"

"No. But unfortunately, because of his recent actions, millions of people may suffer. As you may well know, Isaac Taylor has been the best computer programmer in the industry since he was fifteen. Sometimes he helps us with....projects. However, since the birth of his daughter, we're afraid he's become distracted."

"His daughter has health issues. It's understandable," Jack sighed. "What do you want with me?"

The man gave a glance to his associates. "We want you to eliminate the distraction."


"And that, Amelia, is how I lost a toe."

"Not true!" Amy giggled. "You just put duct tape on it because you hit it on the cabinet."

"You're too smart for your own good," Josh chuckled.

"Josh, can I talk to you?" Mari called.
"Sure," he nodded, walking into the kitchen. "What's up?"

"The agency called again," Mari sighed.

"What did they want?" Josh frowned.

"Same thing they wanted the last twenty times," Mari shrugged. "You. I told them you weren't interested, but if you wanna call them back-"

"No, you were right. I'm not interested," Josh sighed.

", tell me you love me before we get into a fight," Mari said with a small laugh.

"What happened?"

"The school district called. I still think we should enroll her."

"No!" Josh scoffed. "She would get crushed out there, Mari. We discussed this. She's not ready."

"She'll be fine. She'd be in the same preschool as Logan and Lotte, so she'd have friends. She's brilliant and this will only do her good."

"She's not ready, Mari! She can barely bounce around the house without needing her inhaler."

"And Logan and Lotte know that. They'll stick with her and make sure she's okay. Logan especially. Look, they said that they'd be willing to let her come in for a day, just to see."

"I refuse to have this conversation again. I said no, and that's final, Mariah!" Josh snapped.

"Okay," she sighed in defeat.

"Thank you," Josh sighed, leaving the room.

Mari bitterly picked up the phone. "Yes, this is Mariah Taylor. I'd like to schedule that trial appointment."

"Alright. Amelia could come tomorrow, if you'd like," the teacher replied.

"Perfect. Thank you so much."

"No problem. We'll be happy to have her."


Josh kissed Mari's cheek. "Bye, Hon," he sighed.

Amy tugged at his pants leg. "Please, don't go," she whimpered. "I don't want you to go on another business trip."

Josh knelt down and hugged her tightly. "I know, jelly bean, and I'm sorry, but I have to. It's only for a few days, though, alright?"

Amy nodded sadly.

"I'll be back soon, peanut. I promise."

"I love you," Amy whimpered.

"I love you too."

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