Part 2) Event Thirteen

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Event Thirteen: Friday, August 18th

Happy Birthday, Percy!

From: Loving_Healer

Woah, guys, this is the last event before the final chapter. In other words, this is the second-to-last chapter.


About the ending...all I can tell you is that the planned-out version in my head SUCKSS. Just saying; it's very, very bad.

This chapter is pretty important for the next chapter and for the sequel. The events with what happened to Percy will be explained in the sequel. Maybe you guys can guess and see what happened with Percy?

Disclaimer: I bet you guys are tired of my Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 disclaimers, huh? I wonder how many of these I have. Well, obviously, I don't own this game (although I wish I did, how awesome would that be! Black Ops 2 is my favorite video game of all time!) Andddd, the AN-94, the MP7, and the RPG are real guns that you can use in the game. Ballistic knives are also used in this game. The places Drone and Turbine are also real. I still can't believe I got 27 kills at Turbine...

Percy didn't want some huge birthday party (that brought down Leo's mood), so Percy just wanted to hang out with all of his friends at his house, so that's what we did.

People still brought presents no matter how many times he denied the idea. He was about to scold us for it, until he found out that I had a present for him. Percy shut up about the whole presents ordeal ever since he saw me holding a box for him. He really wanted to know what was inside that box.

The people that Percy usually hung out were there: Katie, Miranda, Will, Beckendorf, Butch, Silena, Jason, Hazel, Leo, Frank, Malcolm, Reyna, Piper, Michael, Jake, and Kayla. Somehow, everyone that we planned to invite managed to make it. Even Annabeth decided to come; she told me she finally got over the break-up, which was good. But, I could tell that there was still an awkwardness between them whenever they talked without other people involved in the conversation.

Sally was in the kitchen baking a huge cake with blue icing and light blue frosting--so white that it almost looked white, but it had a hue of blue in it that anyone could identify. Being blind does not count, you super technical people.

Everyone was in Percy's room, just talking really. Leo and Jason were playing Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, but that was about it. Annabeth sat to my right on the ground while Percy sat above me on the couch with Silena and Will. I sat on the floor with Annabeth while both of us leaned against the couch.

"Even if we didn't have a huge party like Nico's party, Call of Duty is still good." Leo smirked without taking his eyes off of his bottom half of the screen. Of course Leo of all people would go into a battle with an RPG

Jason rolled his eyes while one-shotting a guy with his AN-94. "What about Call of Duty at a huge party?"

"That'd be even better!" Leo exclaimed, launching the deadly bullet of the RPG at three different people. "Oh, Hell yeah, baby! I got a triple kill!"

"I'd rather play without so many people," Malcolm piped in. "I wouldn't be able to focus with a bunch of loud, partying people around me."

Leo waved his statement away. "That's because you're a sniper! Being a sniper takes so much concentration."

"This is probably the only thing you can be smart in, Leo." Kayla giggled.

"Pretty much." Leo shrugged. "Give me a final exam on Call of Duty and it'd be the only test I can manage to get a 100 on!"

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