Part 2) Event Four

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Event Four: Tuesday, March 14

Clarisse la Rue Pays Nico a Visit

From: DeathsCry

Sorry I hadn't updated in a few days. I was working on a one-shot. Ahaha. Well, sorry if this chapter is a bit short by the way. I tried to make it as long as I could. Well, I hope you guys like the chapter!

I was at school that it happened. Damn, I thought they stopped, but apparently they thought otherwise.

They were the ones that made me late to class. They were the ones that isolated me from everyone else. They were the ones that made me suffer again.

I thought it was all over, but apparently not.

I still wasn't used to the insults. To the disgusted looks on their faces. I always toldx myself to keep it together and maintain a straight face--an emotionless face.

But, making friends had many me soft. They made me soft to the core. Before, I was cold. I was mean. I didn't even consider myself of having a heart. I was full of malice. But now? Now, it was different.

I don't know when I had exactly changed, but I did. I could go through all of the events in my life from when I met Percy, and I still wouldn't be able to identify when I had exactly changed.

I felt bad for people. Before, I never did. I never cared about how people felt. I could snap at them and tell them to get away from me, and I never felt a hint of guilt. Never had I felt any.

Should I hate myself for changing so much? I didn't know if my change was for the better, or for the worse.

Now, I knew it was for the worse.

The bell rang to signal the start of class. Percy kissed me goodbye as he went off to his calculus class.

I shoved my hands into my pockets and made my way over to my biology class. But, I didn't quite make it there. And, from the way I was pushed into a locker, I knew that I would probably not get to biology anytime soon.

"Did you know that Luke became a softy?" A harsh voice whispered into my ear. "Hm, I wonder who's fault that was," she hissed into my ear.

I craned my neck as much as I could to see the horridifying face of Clarisse la Rue.

"Hm, no sassy remarks today, eh? What's gotten into you, little rainbow?" Her hand around my neck tightened as I tried to desperately release, or at least loosen, her grip.

"Not even gonna try to fight back?" She snickered. "This is gonna be fun."

She threw me onto the ground and I gasped from the impact. My back began to ache, and if I tried to get up, I would wince.

Why couldn't I fight back like I used to? Why couldn't I talk back like I used to?

Wouldn't I always try to make them mad? To make them angry? Why didn't I do it this time.

I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. Why?

What changed?

When did I change?

How did I change?

Clarisse towered over me, an evil smirk along her hideous face.

She stomped on my chest, and I coughed. It was like deja vu, except instead of Luke, it was Clarisse.

"You've got nothing to say now, huh?" She taunted me as she wiped her feet on me as if there was gum stuck to the bottom of her shoe. "Now that you've got a popular boyfriend and popular friends, you think that means your life is perfect!"

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