Part 1) Chapter Fifteen

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            “Nico? Are you sure you’re okay?” I stopped in my tracks and glanced behind my shoulder to see Silena timidly walking up to Percy and me. Percy and I were about to leave the field and go back home after their football practice. We were one of the first ones to leave, mainly because Percy was concerned about me.

            I nodded, fully turning around to converse properly with her. “Yeah, I’m fine. I’m learning to get over it, thanks to you guys.” I still felt kind of depressed over the whole ordeal, but I didn’t want to worry Silena anymore more than she already is.

            Silena ran up and wrapped her arms around my neck, but it wasn’t the suffocating hugs she usually gave me as a greeting. It was a more comforting and gentle hug. What’s the word? Affectionate. It was an affectionate hug that she gave me. One that I haven’t gotten in five years, and the last one I got it from was Bianca. She was so gentle with me during this hug, like I was made out of glass.

            “I’m sorry,” She apologized again, pushing away and rubbing the tears off her cheeks.

            I sighed, but gave her a sympathetic smile. “It’s fine. It wasn’t your fault anyway. So, you have nothing to be sorry about.”

            She nodded once again. “Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow, Nico!”

            I nodded, my smile dropping. I couldn’t keep a smile for more than five seconds or something. “Yeah. I’ll see you.”

            “Why did you decide to tell Silena?” Percy asked once he closed the front door. There was a note on the door stating that Sally went out grocery shopping. I only shrugged my shoulders before shoving my fists into my pockets.

            “Did something happen today?”

            We both spun around and faced the couch to find Paul reading yet, another new book called The Blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan. I think I’ve read that book. I guess it was a good book, but I still feel kind of sympathetic to this one character that I can’t recall the name of. He was kind of like me.

            “Uh, no,” Percy faked a smile, “nothing happened. Thanks for being concerned though.”

            Paul nodded, though he didn’t seem very convinced. He could probably read through all of Percy’s fake smiles by now. “If you guys say so. How was football practice? Sally told me you went with Silena to the school to watch them, Nico.”

            “Yeah, I did.” I rubbed the back of my neck as if it could erase the memory that happened.

            “And, football practice was t-ir-ing.” Percy groaned while stretching, while I glanced anywhere in the room other than Percy.

            Paul chuckled in amusement. “At least you’re getting the exercise you need.

            Percy only rolled his eyes as he took my wrist and dragged me upstairs. “Have fun reading?”

            Paul smiled and shook his head. “You need to understand how important reading is in your life.”

            Percy didn’t reply as he dragged me upstairs. I already knew he was going to repeat his question from earlier when we first entered his house. I decided to just play it like it was no big of a deal.

            He dropped my wrist once we made it into his room and closed the door By now, I was glad I wasn’t nervous when I was in his room anymore. I was still nervous about sleeping in his room with Percy present in it, which I did last night. But, I chose to sleep on the ground, even though Percy offered me his bed. Paul insisted that I sleep in Percy’s room until the paint on my walls completely dry. So, one more day of sleeping in Percy’s room, and I finally get to go back to mine.

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