Part 1) Chapter Eleven

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It was the next day: Saturday. I still wasn’t awake by the time it was one in the afternoon. I stayed up all night thinking about everything that happened yesterday at the mall. Well, to be more specific, I was thinking about Percy. The way he laughed and smiled. The way his emerald green eyes twinkled whenever he found something amusing. And, the way his tender hands held mine when he gave me his jacket. Why did Percy have to be so perfect?

            Silena freaked out when she found out that I moved in with Percy when she was driving us home. She asked me where I lived so she could drop me off, but Percy answered for me, saying that I moved in with him. She was freaking out over it so much; she didn’t get the chance to ask us why I moved in with Percy in the first place. I didn’t know why she made such a big deal out of it. I mean, yeah I moved in with Percy. Why was this so exciting to her?

I usually slept until it was three on the weekends, but Percy had other plans. When it was one, Percy knocked on my door. I was a light sleeper, which I also hated, because I loved sleeping. I half-opened my eyes and glanced (more like glared) at the door, but I didn’t show any indication that I was awake. So, Percy continued to knock on the door. It reminded me of an alarm clock, that kept ringing and ringing until you hit the snooze button. But this time, there wasn’t a snooze button.

When I was about to call out to the door and say I was awake, Percy decided to step in. He glanced at me and chuckled. He walked up to my bed and knelt down next to the bed.

“Good morning, Sleeping Beauty.” He laughed.

“More like ‘Good afternoon, Sleeping Ugly’,” I grumbled, turning around and attempting to fall back asleep. “I have decided to skip lunch so I could get more sleep. Now, go away.”

Percy rolled his eyes. “You really hate yourself, don’t you Nico?”

If my eyelids weren’t closed, I would’ve rolled my eyes as well. “Gee, I haven’t noticed.”

Percy sighed. “Well, you have to wake up now. My mom wouldn’t like it if you missed lunch. This is your first lunch with us anyway. And anyway, we have to paint your room black. You don’t want to sleep in such a blue room, do you?”

“Not really.” I sighed, finally sitting upright in my new and comfortable bed. “I feel like I’m going to be asked a ton of questions at lunch.”

Percy smirked. “That is so true. Now, hurry up and brush your teeth and your hair. It’s going to take us all day to paint your room.”

I groaned. “You sound more like a manager or something. You would do so well as one.”

Percy chuckled. “Maybe I would.” Percy stood up to his full height. “You really aren’t an early bird, are you?”

“Is it that obvious?” I sarcastically asked.

Percy only rolled his eyes. “You are so sarcastic.”

“Wow, haven’t noticed that either.” I rolled my eyes back. “By the way, why is everything so blue in this house? I feel like I’m going to see the rest of the world in blue if I stay here too long.”

Percy chuckled once more. “Well, when my first step-dad was here, he said there was no such thing as blue food. So, my mom when all out and cooked everything in blue just to show my first step-dad that he was wrong. She ended up going overboard and she made everything in this house as blue as possible, but not too much blue or we would’ve gotten dizzy from it all. “

“Wow, you really hated that guy,” I commented.

“Oh, you don’t even know the last of it.” Percy smiled before making his way out of my new room. “See you downstairs.”

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