Chapter 61 A Day Out

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Chapter 61 A Day Out

Elliot woke up in his room and began his usual morning routine. He jelled his black hair back and dressed in his usual butler outfit. He turned towards his mirror and looked at his handsome face. "You will not break today, you will resist, oppress your instinct and soon you'll conquer in the future." He chanted at himself, a usual mantra he has done ever since his cute little master was beginning to grow into a young man. William had finally turned sixteen years old, and his body was a dangerous weakness towards the butler. With a deep breath once more he went on towards another agonizing and torturous day.

He entered the hall after locking his room and took the flight of stairs to the first floor. He was much more handsome now, like a superstar and if he had been wearing a tuxedo he would have looked like a CEO of a remarkably successful business.

At five AM he looked at the barely awake servants who were getting everything ready for the day. Today is the day that the head of the house, along with the madam of the house and young miss and master will return to the mansion after six years. A ridiculous time and not once had they come to visit their only son. They had sent congratulations cards and sent huge presents and an apology that they could not be there.

Not once had William even opened a single card or the presents, he simply ignored their entire existence. The servants were even worried that their master had forgotten he had parents all together.

"Elliot, good you're here." A voice he was not expecting to hear until at least eight in the morning sounded from the main staircase that led to the master bedrooms.

"Young master, how are you awake so early in the morning?" Elliot wondered with his usual smile, once the young master had turned fourteen years old, he began to call him by his first time, much to his own pleasure, getting to hear his young master call out to him by first name was truly a blessing.

"I opened my eyes, anyways, I'll be out for the entire day, I'm spending it with some friends." William said as he motioned for a maid to get the car ready.

Ah yes, how could Elliot forget, growing into such a fine young man, William bloomed into the small, beautiful bud to an enormous dangerous thorny rose. He held such a seductive look that the young man himself did not notice. There was no more baby fat, his legs moved majestically as he walked, and that slender body was soft to the touch every time he got the chance to graze his young master's waist when dressing him.

Not only that, but his personality had also become much bolder, and he even held a teasing look every time he would do something immensely erotic. With age comes wisdom as he would think, whatever William went through when he was not around was evident from the way William would bend and stretch when he was with him alone. The way he would moan as he felt his muscles relax after the stretch.

William was getting too naughty for Elliot's liking.

"Your parent, brother and sister will be arriving soon." Elliot said as he stood in front of the door blocking the front entrance.

"And? They will just go straight to sleep; they won't miss anything." William waved away when the doorbell rang. "They're here, I have to go."

With a hot touch to Elliot's arm, Elliot had no choice but to move away from that hand or he would pounce at any moment.

The door was opened by a maid and revealed some of the people Elliot had been yearning to simply bury in the ground. During William's time in college, he had made some interesting friends.

The vinegar Is strong with this one.

"Hey Elliot!" George waved in his usual bright idiotic smile.

"Hello George." Elliot said in distaste, not at all hiding his dislike for the ginger.

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