Winds 8.1

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The three teens, their leader Steven spoke to his childhood friend Jack during the time they were all sleeping. The night went on with a super uncomfortable feeling. No beds to lie down, no blankets of such and the elders had it worse due to their weak bodies.

"Jack you listening?" Steven hissed quietly as he snapped at the dimwit who was dozing off here and there.

"Uuhh... Yeah." He said as he rubbed the sleep away from his eyes.

"God your a moron. Anyways, this is getting stupid, I'm going home, if you want to come along that's fine. But I'm getting the hell out of here, the wind shouldn't be that fast." Steven says as he gets up, startling the other dimwit who was fast asleep, seeing his leader get up he got confused.

"Jack, what's happening?" Elliot, the last idiot who started hanging out in the small group during middle school asked.

"Steven is leaving, you wanna come?" Jack said as he was now fully awake and began to follow his bestie.

"Where are you three going?" June piped up as he was standing by the doors, staring at the wind outside for a while now.

"Going home, I'm cold, and it's hard laying on the floor."

"It's a floor..." June said. "They're solid."

"You tryin to be smartass?" The teen said with a thugish wannabe look.

Before June could answer, the three boys who were first glaring, were now pale as they looked over June's head. "A-Anyways, we're leaving!" Steven said as the three left out the turned off automatic doors and began to open them." His face turned red as he wasn't able to budge then at all.

After the very ridiculously long five minutes of embarrassingly awkward moment he panted, fatigued from the difficulty of trying to pry open doors.

Slowly the three turned to see movement on their right, where June stands. June had actually raise him arm and with a metal pointer pressed on a hook, unlatching it from the to of the doors. He looked away with obvious embarrassment, not too the teens though since they could see his face from the hair. With a look that says shameless, the two gave a stick look over June's head in fear and followed after a fuming Steven who was struggling to walk in the harsh winds.

Behind June now stood a shadowy figure, his eyes a dark blue, as if the ocean was threatening to swallow you. His hair messy but formed where it lay naturally. Swiped to the left and a bit of a buzz around the bottom. It was neat at the bottom, messy at the top, quite the predicament, which meant that the young man dressed himself nicely but for work he couldn't care.

"Now to wait and see." June mumbled under his breath and the man behind him looked down at him as if June was his world.


Everyone awoke to screams, they all got up from the floor and were startled at the agony within the shouting. The noise was directed towards the front doors of the grocery store. Everyone flocked towards the sound and as if everyone was in a horror movie, they saw a limb by the front door, cut up and leaking blood everywhere.

"What's happening?" A middle aged man said as he pushed a small child behind him, protecting the small boy from any disturbing images.

"Someone walked out of the store." Casket yawned as she sighed at the group of teens that were missing.

"Help! Please Heeelp!" A screech sounded once more, then a body came crashing through a glass window, shattering it in the process and showing a very disfigured body with a few missing limbs.

"Steven." Casket whispered as she paled when she recognized that cheap made leather jacket. "That's the boy who was shoplifting yesterday in the morning. His friends must have followed him out." She trembled.

"June, get everyone towards the beverages aisle, make sure all kids are accounted for." Avery stepped up with a commander aura, giving tasks to his employees. "Shawn, help me with the body, get a tarp from the auto section, we'll move the kid to the freezer."

A tall handsome teen walked forward as he gave a small nodd, he began to walk towards the Auto aisle. "Cass, go make everyone a cup of warm tea to calm their nerves and body, it's getting a little cold out here, I'm going to check the temperature and see if I can turn it down.

Everyone began to sit down onto some foldable chairs, June decided to open up some chairs, seeing as it didn't took like they'll be leaving any time soon. He counted everyone, without the teens here there were nine customers left. The elderly couple, a mother with a baby, an older sister with her toddler baby sister and a father with a young boy, the teacher, and a young man in his early twenties who sat quietly by himself.

Everyone went around introducing themselves, trying to block out the thought of the dead boys and the body of a boy who's life hadn't even completely started yet. The elderly couple were Gloria and Westley Danners, the husband was currently suffering from Alzheimers, not in the latest steps but at times he would forget the woman he fell in love with.

The next one is the woman who spoke about having someone go out to check the outside and get help, a young mother in her late twenties, Beatrice, she held a baby in her arms who's name is Sofia, yet she was was rude when Gloria had asked to see the face of the child. The sister, Nancy, was a very young woman, maybe at the age of nineteen or so, between her legs sat the small child who's name we had already known as Molly. The girl who bothered Avery. The two sisters were similar in features, everyone could tell they were related. Both had brown hair, but Nancy's hair was a little lighter.

Next was the father, or at least people assumed was the father, but the two, father and son, didn't look anything a like. The father, Henry, had black hair and black eyes while the son, Stephan, held blonde hair and green eyes. A complete contrast of one another, opposites even.

The teacher Kenny, and finally the lonely figure by the outskirts of the small group they've made. He stuttered out his name, "RRRo-Rock- Rocky" He had barely made the name out as he soon followed with turning away and not saying anything else. He was a ginger, freckled faced and big innocent like eyes. His eyelashes and eyebrows were almost non-existent due to his super pale skin.


After the body was moved to their meat freezer the manager Avery and the worker Shawn were now making their way to the small camp June had began making during the time they had been away.

"June what are you doing?!" Avery said as he saw all kinds of packages opened and fixed up within the grocery store.

"Making everyone comfortable." He said as he saw Casket come up to the last couple of people she needed to serve tea to.

Everyone had blankets on now, their faces looked more relaxed than stressful in the beginning. It was true luck that they ended up in a grocery store with all kinds of different departments.

"The merchandise!" He explained with a scowl.

"What of it? If it comes down to it the owner of this multimillionaire company will just pay for the survival of their customers and coworkers, then, during the time their publicity will skyrocket and then more customers. Isn't that how society works nowadays?" June said nonchalantly as he began to turn on a small countertop burner and began to cook a small meal for everyone to eat during the mean time.

"Well..." Avery wasn't so sure anymore, but what else could he do? "Ah screw it, I'll help blow up some inflatable mattresses." He gave up after a moment of thinking and began to work, it was the only thing he could do. He needed to move his body and get his mind out of the current situation everyone was in.

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