Bravery 8.2

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It had been a week now in the store. Everything was still running smoothly, the lights were on water and plumbing was still working. Yet everyone was still in the store, too scared to leave and end up like the tattered teen in the freezer. Everyone in low spirits, unable to fathom what was going to happen next, the drop in temperature didn't help at all. The thermostat had broken when Avery had gone to check, he couldn't turn it on at all, resulting in it dropping down below to the single digits, everyone was freezing, cuddled up on each other.

"Wake up everyone, breakfast." June said in his soothing voice as everyone slowly began to walk and crouch next to the warm cooker.

"Guys!" A shout from the quiet and cute ginger lingered in the grocery store, everyone turned to see him looking over the elderly couple, look up and lower his gaze in sadness.

Everyone gave a silent prayer as the manager and Shawn carried them carefully into the freezer as well.

Now there were seven customers left, and three workers.


"I can't take it anymore! It's freezing! My baby is cold as well, we need to get out of here, at this rate we'll all die!" Beatrice piped up in agitation, this time desperate for someone to think of something to get everyone out, and by everyone meaning her an her baby.

"I agree, the children can't take this temperature anymore, if we keep on with the drop of temp. we'll start getting frost bite." The black haired father said as he gave another blanket to his cute blond headed son.

"We can't leave, you saw what happened, something is out there. If you want to go out and check for yourself, you're more than welcome to do so. But for now I'm staying here." Casket huffed as she covered herself tight and leaned against a shelf.

Then an idea was formed.

"Why not..." A low whisper of a voice sounded from Rocky. "Why don't we... Make armor?"

Everyone turned to the cute ginger, he didn't look too scrawny, if anything he looked like he did regular but not strenuous exercise. If a fangirls came along, she wouldn't definitely categorize him as a Seke.

"Amor." Avery pondered as the teacher piped in as well.

"Armor! That's good, we can use the shelf as armor, cut it up and bind it together since they have little holes all over them!" Kenny said with a hopeful smile.

"What are we going to cut it with?" June added, trying to feel out the mood of the group. Once he uttered those words everyone's emotions seemed to dwindled down ad if accepting their fate.

"Microwaves, hammer." Casket said as her teeth were chattering.

"What?" Kenny said confused.

"Aren't you a science teacher?" Casket rolled her eyes, the hammer can be used to mold out the shelves, the cut it we can use a microwave to melt and form it."

"How do you this?" Avery said suspicious.

"My daddy's a mechanic, I'm an only child." She looked away, not meeting the eyes of anyone.

"Then..." June said as he looked around the empty shelves. "Let's get started, show us your magic Cas."


The amor is complete, everyone had a full set, they went through a good amount of shelves, even the spare one that they started with in the warehouse connected to the grocery store. They were all geared up as well with knives and a makeshift shield from the armor as well. It was heavy, so the children didn't have anything on, instead they will be closed off in a welded shelf made box, the adults will cary the box, giving the children the signal to start walking. The women held onto bags and totes of food, mainly canned. Men held onto jugs of water and the children simply made the effort to not get in the way and cary small essentials like toothpaste and toilet paper.

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