Chapter 56 Orphanage

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William stood to the side as Sofia pulled the children away and had small talk with them. "Hey everyone, I just wanted to let you know that Will doesn't know how to be a kid like you, so if he does anything offensive or maybe doesn't know how to play something, give him some slack." Sofia said as she gave a quick glance to William who looked uncomfortable. "He didn't grow up like everyone else."

"Probably because he has parents." A salty kid said scowled as he huffed and looked away, jealous at such a privilege the children did not have luck in.

"Not necessarily, when it comes to Will, his parents weren't there, he was mostly raised by his nannies, so in a way he also grew up without parents." Sofia explained the sad situation.

With that note the children looked at William in a new light, some even turned to give him a look of pity. "Now play nice, okay? And let him be like everyone else." Sofia smiled gently as the kids nodded and went their own way to prepare themselves for his snobbish attitude. William had been completely awkwardly standing the entire time to the side and had heard the entire conversation.

'This chick is going to die if she keeps spouting people's business one day.' Will thought as he sighed internally.

The children of the orphanage were around Will's age, some were older, and others were younger, but either way the range in age is close enough for any child to feel comfortable around each other, in the exception of William of course.

Sofia had been sweeping the front entrance of the orphanage when her eyes spotted the awkward standing William by her side. She softened her eyes when seeing such a little boy look so misplaced where he was supposed to fit in. He should be wonderfully comfortable with others his age, yet with such an incredible mind he was closed off with the knowledge that he could not fit in with anyone anymore.

"Will, let's go play!" One kid a year older than William asked with a beaming look of excitement when he noticed that William wasn't going to approach them out of his own volition.

"I'm not sure if-" William was about to refuse when Sofia found the perfect time to nudge the little boy to act his age for the first time in his life.

"That's a wonderful idea George, go on Will, it's good to let loose, play around, have fun!" Sofia smiled wide.

"But what about you? I came to help around as well, it's not fair that I came along and didn't even assist in anything." William said, still holding the dustpan.

"Nonsense Will, I have it all under control, plus I've been doing this for a while alone, so it won't be much of a difference if you don't help me." Sofia smiled tenderly at the gorgeous boy. "Now go play shoo shoo." She grinned as she pushed the two little boys out and during that time some others decided to join in the fun as well.

Sofia had peeked out a window after a while of cleaning the kitchen and spotted the stiff standing little noble kid. She smiled tenderly at him, she felt sad for him as well. She did not know the burden of being a genius and always expected to know better and learn quicker. But she knew how to have fun in her own way. And she knew that a kid should be having fun at his ripe age. She just hoped that this little boy got the chance to experience a true childhood rather than one filled with books and rules. God only knew what would have happened to her if she had grown up in the palace with her father and other siblings. Being so used to the ordinary life, if she were taken back by some miracle, she was not so sure if she could even stay there and feel normal.

"Will, toss the ball, toss the ball!" The boy from before, George, raised his hands with expectancy.

"R-right." Will replied unsure as he raised his arm and tossed the oddly shaped ball.

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