Chapter 18 Accomplish

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Tachino huffed in disappointment, he looked down at the defeated gang which wanted to take his position, sadly they were no match for him alone. Beside him were his men who hadn't broken a sweat either. And sitting on a red container high up and enjoying the bloody show was Junichi, one knee tucked under the other which was dangling on the edge dangerously. Giving gang members anxiety that he'll lean too far to the edge and fall, hurting himself in the process. They had always had a soft spot for this boy who grew up into a beautiful young man, even with his gloomy personality.

"Yo boss..." Junichi said as he jumped off the high container and giving other gang members a mini heart attack. He walked sluggishly and carefree towards the guy who took him in a couple of years ago.

"What is it?" Tachino said as he wiped away some blood on his cheek which wasn't his own.

"If I were to betray you." Junichi stretched his limbs, especially the leg that was tucked under the other which was a little stiff. "Would you kill me yourself or send someone to do it?"

"I'll kill you myself." Tachino said it straightforwardly, but knowing full well that this little brother of his would never do such a thing.

"Oh goodie, well I did." Junichi said with a cute smile on his lips, freezing everyone in the process.

"What did you say?" Tachino said as he looked at Junichi seriously.

"I betrayed you; I told your brother about what you were planning, he's probably already planning to take you down." Junichi shrugged as he stuck out his small red tongue in a cutesy manner.

"Why did-" Tachino began slowly but was cut off by someone else.

"I fucking knew we couldn't trust you!" A seething tone sounded and Tachino's second in command, Mizui Motoaki, took down Junichi and slammed his body onto the floor.

"Put a little more force into it Motoaki~" Junichi teased as he felt pain on his hip bone from Mizui pressing down on his lower back, in means to not give him a chance to move without hurting himself in the process.

"Mizui!" Tachino said alarmed, confused.

"Boss, he betrayed us, you know what we do to people who betray us." Mizui said as he reminded his boss, his eyes hard as he gave a stern look to Tachino.

"I know..." Tachino was now troubled, this kid who wishes to die has finally found a way to do so, instead of helping him take down his brother he chose something faster and betrayed him. Why he didn't do it sooner was a puzzling part, but before he could think further the sound of engines pulled him out of his thoughts.

The sleek car in the front stopped along with the four vans in the back, men which were armed heavily poured out, from the sleek car came out two well-dressed men, one intimidating and the other with a serious atmosphere. Right off the bat Tachino knew the serious man.

"Kenchiki." A single word that got his men riled up, this is the man that has gotten on the bad side of their boss, like hell will they let that man walk out of here unscathed.

"Big brother, you need to stop, he's only doing this so he won't see us fight." Kenchiki began to explain as he walked further but a hand on his shoulder stopped him from taking another step forward.

"What's wrong?" Tachino didn't hear anything, instead he pulled out a gun and aimed at his younger brother. "You think I will listen to a single word from you after everything you've done! You took everything, all my achievements that I did were nothing compared to yours in the eyes of our parents, whatever you did was better and greater. No matter how hard I tried I was left to shoulder your success, it didn't matter if I was better than you in every way, they still held you in their eyes, not giving me a single glance."

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