Chapter 53 Amulet

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The battle with the zombie army was long and intense, only five minutes had passed and the number of Zombies hadn’t dwindled down at all. Not only that, Julian’s brother was ahandfull in itself.

“I can help. Let me help!” Selig shouted as Julian looked back shocked.

“Get back, you’ll get hurt Dr Richter!” A guard shouted.

“Go back!” Julian shouted as well, he was then bitten at the shoulder, making him grunt in pain.

“J-JULIAN!!!” Selig shouted as his sanity snapped, his face contorted into fury as he trembled, some had thought it was fear of his surroundings.

Until a wave of vines sprouted from underneath the earth and wrapped themselves around the undead, immobilizing them and ripping them apart. Everyone turned to see Selig, the pure and kind, harmless little doctor, standing on a vine made tall pillar, and motioning his hands forward as more vines came forward. Huge fly traps grew and ate at the zombies. The huge endless army became only thousands, Julian’s brother looked about ready to kill him when a vine ripped through the center of his chest and pinned him to the ground.

Selig was grinning like a mad man, his train of thought was no where to be seen as he simply saw his road to revenge. At the center was the zombie King. His rage filled eyes never moving from Selig’s golden eyes. The zombie King was swinging his arms as he blasted his back flames, but mist simply seemed to surround them much thicker as it collided with Selig.

That’s when others realized Selig held a second power, water manipulation. He made a shield of water around him, the moment it started to disintegrate more water molecules replaced the vaporized ones.

He took out guns of many sizes from his space, shooting down zombies and letting out the rage and of Julian getting hurt right before his eyes. He seemed to be going on a rampage, the road to revenge seemed even brighter now.

“You hurt him, you hurt him, you hurt him, you hurt him.” He chanted on and on as the zombie’s dwindled to only hundreds, and soon there was no one there. Empty guns littered the ground and he trembled in still potent rage.

He walked towards the zombie King and looked down at him with a frightening-looking face.

“You have something of mine.” Selig hissed venomously, his hand reached out and grabbed at the amulet.

He was about to yank at it when a hand grabbed his wrist. The zombie King was strong as well, much more than Selig, he held the water protected wrist and yanked it away. He was quick to cut the vine from his chest and flip back, landing swiftly onto the ground. But without injury, except for the gaping hole in his chest, and even that seems to start stitching back together, slow, but fast enough for the naked eye to see.

The amulet fell from the struggle and onto another zombie who was staggering and fighting another guard. The zombie King and Selig glared at each other and the two headed straight for it. One shooting hot blazing black flames while the other shot out dead vines with poisoned thorns. But as the plot was to kill the zombie King in the end, the zombie King soon fell defeated.

In front of the zombie King stood a severely injured Selig, his tired but manic-crazed smile never leaving him. Selig triumphed as he held the Amulet with a flash of death in his eyes. He stored it onto his space.

He was still trembling, looking around with a look that terrified everyone around him. He wanted to keep ripping them apart but no other zombie was in sight except for the already dead ones.

“I’m okay, it’s just a bite.” Julian’s voice sounded behind Selig’s ear. “I’m fine Sel, calm down, breathe,” Julian whispered sweet nothings as Selig’s trembling stopped altogether.

Selig turned to look like his normal weak and delicate self, he was pouting, and his bottom lip trembled as he looked at the blood-soaked shirt, clear muscle shows through the torn skin.

“I guess that answers my question.” Selig whimpered out.

“What question?” Julian asked in wonder.

“I’m the only one who can kill you, anyone else will die by my hands. Let’s get you healed up.” Selig held a body-freezing insane look as he declared his intentions. “Anyone bitten come to my lab for the cure, humanity is now saved.” Selig announced as he pulled along Julian as fast as he could.


News traveled far and wide. Humanity is saved, slowly, zombies were killed off, any bite given were now but a simple scar and no infection was to be feared anymore. Selig was known throughout the world.

Johnathan on the other hand, as he heard of the amazing accomplishments of Selig’s, grew jealousy and hatred for Julian. He was the one to steal something from him.

He would never forgive him.


Selig now lived in a grand home, he was vowed as humanity’s hero. One who used everything in his power to make the antidote and kill the zombie King as well.

Many never forgot his genius.

“How are you feeling?” Julian spoke from behind his wife, a clear pained look in his eyes.

During the fight of the zombie King, Selig had been severely injured, he had accidentally consumed some of the splattering blood of the King, and nothing he could do could stop the slow agonizing poison. Soon his legs stopped working, he couldn’t eat much unless he spat it back out in disgust. His soft filled body deteriorated into flesh and bones. He was sickly pale and looked about ready to pass away any day now.

This brought pain to Julian, to see his beauty suffer and feel powerless, unable to do anything for him. He couldn’t help but curse at his inability to help.

Of course, Selig could easily cure himself, how could he not with his wide range of knowledge? He just wanted to leave this world with a pitiful feeling.

He couldn’t concentrate on his revenge, and the past battle proved it, he was too busy killing off the zombies and avenging Julian that he forgot entirely about the zombie King. When he had killed them off he finally took notice of the flames that the zombie King had been throwing at him. That was when his mind became as clear as ever.

This soul was getting in his way, this soul will hold him back.

He’ll have to get rid of this sticky soul.

His chest pinched in agony at the thought.

N-no, stop this feeling! You’re weak, weak! Can’t you do something right in this poor excuse of a life?! He yelled at himself in his head.

“I-im fine.” He said before a sudden coughing fit entered his system.

Julian quickly grabbed some pills Selig had made to slow down the spreading, but it was only a matter of time before it took over his mentality.

“If only I’d been stronger-“

“It’s not your fault.” Selig shook his head as he drank at the cup of water, the only thing he was able to consumed without barfing it back up.

Julian had crouched down by the wheelchair, his head bowed in shame. “It is, I should have kept you somewhere safer.” He sighed, depressed.

“Julian.” Selig lifted the man’s head with a small delicate hand and saw the pained look Julian held. “Can you promise me something?”

“Anything.” Julian looked on into those beautiful golden eyes.

“Move on after my passing, find another wife, live happy and grow old with them and some children if possible. But make sure you move on.” Selig smiled tenderly.

“Don’t say that, I can’t make that promise, I’ll never make that promise.” Julian shook his head violently. “I’d rather die with you than live without you.”

“I’m dying soon, I’ll give it another week at most.” Selig sighed in bliss as he looked towards Julian with sadness in his eyes. “But I don’t want to be some selfish person to make someone promise to only love me, go, you’re still living and healthy. Find someone who can make you much more happier than I ever did.”

“You know there’s no such person, I’ll only ever love you.” Julian was now silently crying, his tears rolling down his eyes. “I… I can’t live without you Sel.” He whispered painfully.

“Then live for me.” Selig caressed Julian’s cheeks.

“I can’t, I can’t do that. Don’t ask for something impossible please, please don’t!” He looked about ready to kill anyone and everyone, as if someone was making Selig say such painful words.

“I’m sorry Julian.” Selig apologized.

The slow agonizing week went on, Julian had stayed by Selig’s side, not wanting to leave Selig alone for even a second.

And now the most painful day of his life happened.

“N.. no no no… not again.” He woke up with Selig cold in his arms, a painful cry of agony left his lips as he hugged his beloved.

And as if fate heard him, his heart stopped.

He died of a broken heart.

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