Chapter 26 Accordance

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The majestic black horse came trotting through the huge city that was closest to their home. It had taken about three days to get there, they had stopped occasionally for the sake of Wen Wuhan, as he didn't have enough experience to stay up for months like his master. He was grateful as always, and the horse soon stopped at the entrance of the city. A border-like magic spell was cast all around the city which could repel foreign travelers if they did not have the proper paperwork.

“Seize your steps travelers!” The huge guard lifted an arm and was about to speak, but with a wave from Rén Ru the guard and the rest around him, dressed in protective armor, seemed to go in a daze as he stepped back into his post and opened the barrier.

Wen Wuhan was only glad that there wasn’t a fight, at least his master has common sense, if he had fought then it would be minutes before reinforcements are called and unable to enter the city further because of them being wanted.

The horse continued forward, and Rén Ru had dropped his little twelve-year-old apprentice to grab some simple ingredients.

Rén Ru pulled along his beautiful steed and began to walk all around the City’s center, he looked around the many stalls selling trinkets and foods. Restaurants were wafting out enchanting smells. But he had kept on walking further and further from the center, the buildings began to darken, and brothels could be seen by the way their women were out trying to coax customers in with their seductive looks, a sway of their hips, a flow of their hair and a whiff of their beautiful alluring scent.

As they had spotted Rén Ru, they tried their best to make this beautiful man bed a few of them at the same time if he didn’t want only one of them. Some even seemed to want to ravish him instead of the other way.

“Hello gorgeous, how about spending time with aunty over here.” A beautiful middle-aged woman stepped forward her body was aged just in the perfect spots; she had a lot of experience in the brothel.

“How about this sister over here~?” A young woman came bouncing forward her breasts seemed about to bust out of her clothing.

“If you can choose you can always grab both of us.” The older woman said with a lick to her lips.

But Rén Ru didn’t pay any mind to the women trying to live their lives, he kept walking until his soft and steady elegant steps stopped in front of a little run-down shop.

Rén Ru had set his mind to his role, he wanted to change the image of this villain Rén Ru, but not to the point he looks like a hero, instead he’ll have fun with it. From the memories of Rén Ru, he was sure that he wasn’t a bad guy at all.

He was simply lonely.

He wished to receive attention but with his reputation as someone who kills without batting an eye, he pushed everyone away. At that time, he truly became a bad guy, but with the benefit of his little apprentice seeing him kill some people with a wave to his hand he could use these sightings to his advantage, how? Well, his actions were never questioned by Wen Wuhan, in fact Wen Wuhan had only intervened when it had involved the female lead. After many tries of attacking Pan Yan, Wen Wuhan had personally killed him off when he had learned his teaching and passed his own power.

To speak his plan simply, Rén Ru shall play the villain part and, in the shadows, become a savior and hero without others knowing. Not unless he wants them to know.

It was a sealed plan that will absolutely have an either zero percent chance of working or a hundred percent chance to fail. Theories and hypothesis are all he ever does, and he shall do and conduct every single one he had ever thought of when enslaved. The first thing he shall do is purchase many things from this shop.

Opening the door a sharp bell sound echoes through the small shop that seemed bigger inside than on the outside.

“Welcome customer.” An elderly woman spoke from the back of the store register. She wore warm colors, and her grey hair was up in a low ponytail. Her height was no more than four feet and three inches. “How may I help you?”

Rén Ru didn’t say anything, he was simply looking around at the many bottles with different items in them, paper labeled the content from within. As he walked closer to the old woman, he took out a piece of paper from inside his sleeve and laid it down in front of her. The woman took it and unfolded the paper to see ingredients that weren’t rare but also not easy to find.

“I’ll get these for you right away.” And as she said this her small body began to go about the store, at times when she couldn’t find what she wanted she would go behind a curtain that was located at the rear of the store next to the register and arrive with the item he needed.

“Unfortunately, I do not have any glow fish scales at the moment, but I can have them ready for you in a weeks' time.” The old woman said as she had placed everything into a wooden box. “That’ll be ten gold and four silver.”

In this world, silver was normal, only high-status people were able to obtain gold, noble households can make twenty gold in a year, the king can made a hundred, common people a single gold and poor about ten silver and a couple of copper.

With a wave in his hand a small bag of coins emerged from the space ring, and he set it down. He waved his hand once more to receive the items and left without saying a word. Throughout the entire time he had not once met the woman’s eyes, they were situated at everything else inside the store. Calculating and understanding.

Since he has everything except one item he decided to head towards the direction of Wen Wuhan, he had sent the little disciple to buy some herbs. The only place which is rich in nutrient plant herbs is the Lightning sect, a powerful sect that stood just below the Royal family, they held respect throughout and held many tops of the notch alchemists and doctors. Even the Royal family could not offend such an amazing sect.

He rode on his majestic horse and stopped when he heard a commotion up front. The meeting had begun. Rén Ru thought in amusement as he walked forward towards the crowd up front, his horse easily towering over everyone, giving him a seat up high to enjoy the scene clearly. Popcorn would be great right now.


Wen Wuhan had been almost done buying all of the herbs that his master requested for him to get. The building which he would always go to was as kind as ever when he would enter, they knew him from recent visits, but would always wonder who’s son or apprentice he was. From the looks of his neat and clean, high quality clothes and the huge amount of coins they would presume and guess he was either a noble kid with amazing background or an apprentice to someone very important and powerful. No matter who, they wouldn’t want to offend the other side, who knows what kind of devil they would send to them.

As the young disciple was leaving the herbal building he had walked a few steps when, from the corner of his eye, he had seen a young las walking merrily on her way and someone had bumped into her intentionally.

Seeing her neat clothes she was well off but then again she didn’t seem like a somebody from the looks of her clueless and innocent face. Her instigator had began spouting nonsense of disrespect and the recent generation having no respect.

Wen Wuhan stepped forward, his hand raised as he used his cultivation to suppress the other man who was trying to hurt the girl with his pressure.

“Have you no shame to bully the weak?” Wen Wuhan said with a fierce look in his eyes.

“Who the hell are you brat, mind your business and run to your family.” The nobleman waved off the child who was using pressure on him. “Such a weak pressure won’t do anything to me-“

Before the man could lift a hand and hurt Wen Wuhan another pressure covered his body, a pressure he was sure was like that of a master cultivator.

“Lifting a finger at my disciple is a very wrong decision fly.” Rén Ru spoke up, his lovely voice sweet but his words insulting.

“W-who are y-you.” The man gritted as blood seeped out of his clenched teeth, resisting the urge to kneel.

“Here goes again, a fly trying to command where I breath and walk.” Rén Ru gave his gentle playful smile. “I hate flies.”

With a snap the nobleman had fallen limb on the floor and his men that were with him couldn’t move at all from the constant pressure on them.

“Maggots of the fly, remove your pathetic master and never show your faces in front of me.” Rén Ru ordered, his pressure gone in a blink of an eye as the men’s bodies began to move on their own.

Resisting was impossible.

The female lead had looked on shocked throughout the whole ordeal, she had never seen such an amazing master before. A sparkle erupted in her eyes as the crowd left in a hurry, not wanting to enquire the wrath of this unknown master. This is what she needed, she needed a master that can teach her how to become stronger, without a master she could do nothing but bow her head down to the people who ruled the world. She had enough of hiding, she was ready to come out and take over what was hers.

Wen Wuhan too left with his master, they were followed by the gentle little girl.

“Hold on!” She had shouted as they were about to enter their forest, she couldn’t let this chance escape her when it was right in front of her. “Please wait!”

Rén Ru did stop as he turned to see the female lead, his eyes flickering in annoyance. But as he had predicted a flash coming from his disciple had erupted as Wen Wuhan flashed in front of the girl and punched her in the chest. The brute force entered her body and her bones felt the need to moan in pain as the punch sent her far, making her smash against a tree, coughing out a mouthful of blood.

“Scram peasant, how dare you order my master.” The disciple said, worry in his eyes as he prayed he didn’t use too much force.

He followed beside the horse and had assumed his master would keep going but shockingly enough when he saw his master’s smiling wide eyes his own face turned into an ashen look. His master looked interested, he never wore such an expression. Not even to him when he had chosen him to be his heir. His face fell pale, he tried to think something else to gain his master’s mind but it was too late as his master spoke.

“My, my, don’t be so cruel Wen’er.” Rén Ru hummed as he galloped the horse towards the girl already standing up. “For someone to stand up after my disciple struck with full force is impressive, you’ve gotten my attention girl, speak what you wish.”

“I… I want you to take me in as your disciple!” The girl spoke with determination, her chest still stinging from the punch.

Wen Wuhan’s heart dropped as his whole body went cold from fright. No, this can’t happen, she’ll die the moment she step foot in the training. Wen Wuhan cursed in his head.

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