Chapter 42 Lust

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Karim opened his eyes to the early morning sun seeping through the parted curtains.

He could still clearly feel the pleasure striking up and through his body, he was sure that the entire castle heard his voice. His cheeks flushed like a fair maiden when thinking that.

He moved to get out when he finally felt the extra pair of arms around his waist and the familiar feeling of something inside him.

That bastard was still inside him!

“You animal, get out!” Karim growled as he turned to see the awaking Déwei.

“Don’t move too fast.” Déwei’s deep morning voice rumbled.

“Get out!” He squirmed and only stopped when a pleasurable feeling of the member inside of him grew. “Ah!”

“My warning to stop squirming always goes over your head.” An amused tone escaped Déwei.

“Shut up you-“

Before he could continue to curse at the soul he was pounded without warning, automatically gaining an orgasm from the still tender muscle, he came without even ejaculating.


The coronation was as tradition. A sword on one hand pointing downward, signifying that even though there will be peace there shall always be protection. On the other was a sphere that symbolizes a world, if even the world was against them the kingdom was not.

As the ceremony commenced smoothly the beautiful panther stood beside Déwei and held it’s head high looking down at all of their subject.

“All hail King Déwei!” The Archbishop announces after the last preparation and usual speech, but before he could signal everyone else to congratulate the new King Déwei raised his hand and halted the ceremony.

“Is something wrong your royal highness?” The bishop said nervously.

“From this day forth This Kingdom will now be known as an Empire I will rule over my subjects fairly and raise our power through my reign of this new era as your new Emperor.”

Everyone was stunned but quickly taking the hint the Archbishop crossed out in the history book King and wrote down Emperor Déwei of year XXX. “All Hail Emperor Déwei!”

“All hair Emperor Déwei, all hail Emperor Déwei!” Shouts of excitement through an amazing historical event rang throughout the day and when everything was done a sudden burst of the doors slamming open interrupted the coronation.

“Announcing the heroes of Uruvu, Mikhail and Alithea Sarris.” The eunuch from the door, as he tried to shrink into himself from the huge doors to present the male and female lead.

“To have the guts and crash the new Emperor’s coronation, these false hero’s sure want to die a painful death!” A nobleman spoke up first, trying to curry favor with the new and young Emperor a strong urge of being acknowledged and written down in the history to be forever remembered.

“King Sying, I’m sure there is something prince Déwei has against you. But surely you can fix this, do not be irrational in giving your throne to someone unworthy.” Alithea declared as her hard gaze was directed towards Déwei in the last statement.

“You dare disagree with my decree!” Former King Sying rose from his throne as Déwei came and sat in it instead.

“Guards, throw them out!” Sying shouted with rage.

“It’s fine Sying. Let them speak their opinion, if I find something reasonable I’ll step down.” Déwei’s voice spoke from the throne.

Sying looked back but had only nodded and stepped to the side. He sat down on one of the thrones, a throne that was situated beside the main thrones, one designed for a retired King, same size but the main throne held the power.

“Speak.” Déwei commanded.

“Crown prince-“

“Your Imperial Majesty.” A eunuch stepped forward and glared menacingly at the hero who dare disrespect such a figure.

“Your Imperial Majesty, I see the darkness consuming you, do not threaten your father for power and instead receive the throne through proper means.” Mikhail proposed as he stepped forward with his sister.

“My bother is correct your Imperial Majesty. This isn’t the right way, this unjustly and unfaithful way to gain the throne is vile and unsightly, his Imperial Majesty might find himself one day holding back an angry Kingdom.”

“Unfaithful?” An amused tone suddenly erupted through everyone’s mind. Everyone was aware of the voice, but who’s was it?

“Night?” Mikhail spoke confused as he looked towards the panther that emerged from behind Déwei’s throne. “But you had died, your collar broke.” He reasoned, he had thought this panther that stood by the new Emperor wasn’t his but remembering that voice before fleeing the ally Kingdom was clear as day, he knew now that the panther was his own.

“How wrong you are Hero.” He shifted as beautiful intricate clothing decorated his beautiful and lustful figure.

His clothing wasn’t much. A navy blue cloth covering his special parts with slits to the side of his legs. One gloved arm stopping at his middle upper arm while the other held beautiful curved bracelets. It left much for the imagination.

Seeing the look of Déwei, it seems he himself didn’t know that Karim was going to wear that.

“Karim.” Déwei spoke his name but was waved off making him ticked off from all the wondering eyes. To have such a beautiful figure standing before everyone who stared hungrily, Déwei was about to execute everyone in the castle that had seen such a revealing beauty.

He was going to punish that panther.

“So surprised little hero?” Karim smirked as his eyes turned towards the female lead. “You should instead pay close attention to your dirty lover.”

“Do not insult my sister of being dirty, whatever you think you know is a lie. Shouldn’t you be answering my question as to how you were able to break loose from that collar? You’re supposed to be mine” Mikhail said as he shielded his sister and glared at the panther, not out of rage but hurt, he had thought they were finally having a good relationship until he had to leave him behind to die.

“Why should I answer you at all? You are nothing but a fool who gets played.” Karim sneered, his gaze moved at Alithea suggesting something more.

“Why does he keep looking at you Ali?” Mikhail question his sister finally.

“I- I don’t know Mik.” Alithea lied through her teeth.

“My what terrible memory you have hero, I should bring someone who does then.” Karim gave a grin as he snapped his fingers, two shadowed knights appeared. Between them was a bound and muffled second male lead, Leiandros Vascos.

“Lei!” Alithea exclaimed, she slapped a hand over her mouth at her discovery, her face turning dark from her mistake.

“You know him?” Mikhail pointed at the struggling man.

“No! I mean- yes, but only by passing, he helped me when I was being ambushed.” She bent the truth.

“Don’t be so modest, you were very much grateful as you showed your gratitude with you body.” Karim pitched in with an amused look, his whole body looked like he was enjoying the scene unfold before him.

“You lie, you have no proof!” Alithea shouted, angry at such a monster who shouldn’t be sticking his nose in someone else’s business.

“I lie? Then why don’t I confirm.” He turned towards the man who was now pulled up to stand. “What is your relationship with this woman?”

The cloth stuffed into his mouth was taken out as he looked towards the panther and then towards the woman with love in his eyes.

“She’s my lover.” The man with chestnut brown hair and light hazel eyes spoke as his eyes carried loving affection.

“And if you don’t believe, there’s brother to speak up for me. Big brother. How about lending a word to the idiotic Heroes.” Karim looked words the panther who was sitting there also enjoying the show.

“Little brother, it was just getting good!” Nader whined as he shifted, his outfit covered more but it held much more of a masculine outline to it with a combination of red and gold. His arms held fur and the unchanged hind legs showed that he still hasn’t mastered his shifting, even so his speech was perfect just like his little brother.

“The main reason why you’re the muscle and I’m the smart one out of the two.” Karim sighed at his meat head brother.

“My brother speaks the truth human, your odd choice in a mate has broken your bond and instead slept with another who showed her kindness. This is why I don’t like humans, always wanting more and more when they already have what they need.”

“Dark?” Alithea showed disbelief, she still couldn’t even communicate with her panther, and suddenly he shifts and speaks fluently.

“And my name isn’t Dark! How distasteful, always being called something unoriginal. It’s Nader and my little brother is called Karim. Get it right or you’ll be unable to speak with your tongues pulled out.” Nader huffed.

“You’ve done well big brother, I’m sorry I didn’t free you sooner.” Karim spoke as he walked forward and used the same paper talisman that Déwei had used on him.

The collar fell to the ground with a clack, shocking everyone who saw.

“Im-impossible.” Noblemen and women spoke with disbelief.

“You… Slept with someone else?” Mikhail didn’t want to believe his own words that had spilled his lips. ”You promised.” Mikhail looked at his sister with a look of betrayal.

“Brother I-“

“You promised we will be together, that we only had each other.” Mikhail clutched his head as madness overcame him.

“Let me explain brother-“

“You’re just like everyone else!” His eyes turned crazed as he raised his sword and slashed down, a splurge of blood erupted from her chest as her eyes held disbelief and hurt.

Both heroes were taken away and the castle was closed off from anyone entering, Déwei had announced that there will be  month long banquet to celebrate his coronation, usually they would only host it for a week, but along with the coronation the Kingdom was celebrating their ascension on becoming an Empire.

Karim smiled as he walked towards Déwei, and as if he was in his panther form he stepped between the space of both Déwei’s legs and sat down on his lap sideways, he leaned back and settled against the chest of the Emperor.

“So is this the human that had caught your nose little brother?” Nader looked unsure.

“Regretfully.” He gave a small smile as the arm, that snaked around his waist when he had sat down, tightened around him.

“Like I said before, he is decent size for a human, but as long as he’s able to hunt and get food, he’s worthy of your future kin.” Nader nodded with a thumbs up.

“Kin?” Déwei’s eyes darkened at the very thought of children, his stomach felt as if butterflies were fluttering.

“Indeed Brother Déwei, smaller Panthers, even if born male will be able to bare Cubs when they find their proper mate.” Nader nodded with a grin.

“Now you’ve done it.” Karim sighed as he was swept off his feet by the strong arms of Déwei.

“My words are law, everyone remaining, get out. Court business will officially commence in two weeks.” Déwei declared as he sped out the ball room and left to their room once more.

On their journey to the royal bedroom that needed to be remodeled to an imperial one, all maids that were on duty looked on with looks of surprise. To witness seeing their Emperor carry someone so tenderly made them blush with envy. They rushed to clean out the room and just as the prepared oils were set they too were kicked out as soon as possible.

Karim lay on the bed, his hair sprawled out and his cheeks slightly flushed.

“Who told you to wear such clothing?” Déwei tucked a finger under the snug outfit and trailed it lower.

“No one you brute, this is my own clothing that forms without me having to shift nude, or did you prefer me to do so in front of many eyes?”

“You need to be punished.” Déwei left a trail of kissed down Karim’s neck, igniting a slow burning agonizing fire within both.

“I’d like to see you try to punish someone- Aahhh~” A moan cut him off as a warm tongue overlapped his nipple, and a hand caressing his lower member.

The nights were filled with pleading moans and growls for the next two weeks.

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