Chapter 9 Mentally

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The scene in front of them made Mina's blood run cold while Sekimoto's blood boiled to no end.

Furo laid on the sofa, his eyes lifeless as they blinked, looking at nothing, on top of him was Roma finishing up as Furo mumbled heart wrenching words.

"Sorry.... I'm sorry... Sorry... I didn't mean... I'm sorry." Furo was broken.

His voice was a rough whisper, he had been screaming for so long. Blood was everywhere in his nether regions, tears in his bloody opening. One couldn't fathom the intense torture he went through, not like other victims like him.

Everything went black for Sekimoto, what others told him after he regain his senses was that he had flung Roma off of Furo and began to beat him senseless, he himself wasn't sure how long he was hitting the poor excuse of a human, but he remembered that when he was pulled off his fists stung, blood covered his own as he saw Roma's face disfigured, he was unmoving. Uncaring whether Roma would live or not he gave order after order.

John had seen the scene before him clear as day and his face paled, the only thing he could think of now is how long Roma would be in prison, if he even gets to prison. But from the looks of this well-dressed man before him, John knew that Roma had messed up big time. He had pissed someone who was well protected.

"Bring this idiot to the hospital and handcuff him to his bed, I'll call the police." John said as he ordered the men he had arrived with and soon was talking on the phone with his lawyers and the police soon after.

There was no chance that Roma will get off lightly.

John finished his phone call and began to walk out of the worn down building, he turned back to see Sekimoto holding Furo so dearly that if Sekimoto moved Furo in a wrong way the world would come to an end.

Leaving he had a final though. 'Yeah, that dipshit isn't seeing the light of day again.'

Cradled soon after by his sobbing sister, Furo was in his mind scape watching as he ate some popcorn that he had bought from the system.

"Would you look at that, the second male lead isn't too bad looking." Furo hummed as he yawned, before things could get worse he left the world and secluded himself within the mind of Furo, the pain that was shown was only inflicted on the body which now lay like a puppet.

He looked at Mina with pity, the only emotion he could show at the moment since no one garnered his favor. She was apologizing over and over again, thinking and believing that it was her fault for even getting to know Roma in the beginning, talking about her promise of keeping him safe was broken, a promise that she had made in front of their parents grave.

"Fufu!" She sobbed. "I'm so sorry, I should have known better, why would I have let you go somewhere alone when I knew full well that it was a dark and dirty world out there." She couldn't contain the tears as something deep inside of her broke and withered away. The world was colorless, it didn't shine like it had before when Furo was there.

"My baby brother, I would rather have you still in a coma that in agonizing pain." Mina's eyes were red, unable to stop the burning slaty tears.

She had soon remembered a beautiful memory when both of them had gone to the park one evening after Mina had finished all of her assignments early.

"Get on the swing I'll push you!" Mina grinned as Furo blushed embarrassed.

"Get on?! I'm not a kid anymore big sister that's shameful for a man my age." He puffed out his cheeks and turned around.

"Technically you're still in elementary, what old age are you?! You sound like your forty, get on or I'll leave you here!" Mina threatened playfully with a bright smile.

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