Chapter 57 Charity

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For a child who grew up without their parents' presence in their lives, it was not that difficult, in fact growing up, it was normal for the child not to see their parents and simply yearn for something that was never going to change. And as for the parents they couldn't do much to care for the child, so they hired nannies and staff to cater and play with the boy. Now because they were busy their only way to help out the boy who would ask for things, instead of handing the child their debit card they opened the child their own personal bank account and deposited a reasonable amount for a child.

Now keep in mind, when it comes to other children who grew up in a neighborhood filled with common homes and walked to school they held maybe a range of five dollars all the way to fifty as they grew up. As for rich kids... well that's another situation in itself.

When William was born he didn't need anything since he couldn't talk. But as he grew he asked for small things here and there, books, paint, toys. And once that happened a conversation was held with the parents.

"Madam, the youngest master is asking for things again." A maid was heard one day by the young child wandering the halls. "As his requests increase the budget for the mansion is becoming a bit tight, may I request an increase in funds for the youngest master."

"Oh sure, I'll let my secretary handle everything, don't call me for such trivial things again, I'm very busy." A woman's voice who would have been assumed the mother rang out and soon hung up.

"Nanni?" A young three year old poked himself out and enquired with his eyes on what happened.

"The madam of the house has increased the budget so we'll be able to buy the young master his desires." The maid gave a pitiful smile at the child. "Come along young master, let's get ready for bed."

Because of the conversation William had assumed even if he asked for the most extravagant items his parents still wouldn't bat an eye. He has learned from early on that he could never receive the one thing he yearned for; his family.

Once the secretary had sorted the fund issue, every week William will receive an allowance of four thousand dollars, ever since he was first left alone at the age of four. He had never found a use for the money since he was young. It was not like he didn't know the value or power when it came to money, he simply did not find the use for it due to him needing to study hard and prove himself to his parents. Instead of spending his money on useless things like other children his age, he would have preferred to stay home and wait for his parents. And due to not needing the money he would leave it in his bank account.

Four thousand dollars was of course a wholesome amount, but for the rich and powerful, it was not even a small dent to their huge bank accounts. So, imagine the huge amount of four thousand and thirty-two hundred dollars that had accumulated throughout not even spending a single cent. It was mind blowing for a simple commoner, the things they could buy with the amount that used to be just a dream could now be made into a reality.

For William, he saw it no more than a hindrance, so he decided to give it to charity and kept only a thousand on him just in case. He had donated it to the saint Farra orphanage he had oh so beautifully created a bond with for the last two months of his summer vacation.

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