3rd world Chapter 19 Go

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Golden shining eyes open to see the recent world turn a bright blue like the first. His eyes scanned the sea of red worlds and set them on a story line that was a normal one.

"I remember that one quite clearly." His voice was soothing but the words and his emotionless face made the world look as if it wasn't worthy for him to remember it.

His mind went off to a memory, where he had been captive most of the time. He wasn't even part of the story; his death was only to have both female and male leads fall deeper for each other and then end with them getting married.

He sneered at the memory.

"That one, let's go." And with that his body was jolted towards the world which he had been continuously wronged.

Opening his eyes, he saw himself, as he suspected, in another body. As far as he figured, all the worlds that he had been in he had switched the roles of the characters that he had first took over.

The Information was as usual; this world was normal like any other so far, in this one though crime rate was off the charts. There would be gangs and crews, not big enough to call themselves a mafia but enough to call them a powerful group. As usual, the cliché pure female lead was born in a rich and lavish lifestyle, she did not even have a slight clue as to the dark side of society. Because of that she only knew the good side of people and was very gullible about it. Her hero since birth was the male lead which was for some reason very moody and mistrusted everyone he would look at, that included the female lead, also known as Isabelle Gilmour, but they couldn't be the leads of the world if the male lead was too cold. So, like any story and character development the male lead, Damien Hall, had soften his heart only for the female lead and would do anything and everything for her.

One day she had sneaked out of her lavish home and decided to go to the forbidden gate which her parents told her was off limits. On the other side of the gate was the town of the criminals; prostitution and gambling were the norm. She had stumbled upon some trouble and in came the second male lead to the rescue, Kaden Bolton, also known as the leader of the second most dangerous gang. He had killed off the men who had tried to attack her, his emotions showed that killing for him was as simple as breathing. Stricken with fear she looked like a pure and untouched saint to the bloody hands of the sinful second male lead, and for that, only knowing the darkness in the world, he had promised in his heart that he would protect her. Being the second male lead also meant that he wasn't going to end up with the female lead and would only sit back and watch her happiness. Something like "if she's happy, I'm happy" kind of cringe.

But of course, during the time of her struggle in the dark life she had met the villain, Isaac Flynn, who had taken a lustful liking to the pure bunny when Kaden had given her a tour. Filled with lust, his usual toys could no longer give him the release he wanted and threw them all away. Only one was left before Isabelle had found out about the sex slaves and went to save the last one, but it was too late, in turn the male lead comforted her and fell even more deeply in love than he already was.

"I'm the villain." A light husky voice sounded through the dark room.

Isaac stood up from the chair he was lounging around by the window. Other than the window there was no other light source than the moon's light reaching inside.

As far as he could remember, it was this same man that would aggressively take out his frustrations on the last sex slave. He was that sex slave last time, not once meeting the leads and only a useless pawn at the back that would unite them even stronger. But now he was the villain.

"The story's progress." The villain spoke out to the system.

[Eighty percent, currently the last slave is left, and the female lead is searching for them.] The system informed us as it scanned the world.

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