Chapter 17 First Move

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Junichi was sitting in the expensive car with his usual seat mate, Kenchiki, who was busy typing away on his laptop.

"What are you doing that you're not babbling my ear off?" Junichi spoke politely, he does so when he's calm and neutral, the times he breaks off and speaks his usual horrid slang is when he's flustered or someone is being irritating, sometimes it's hard to distinguish the two moods unless someone really pays attention, just like Kenchiki, who was glad the boy was comfortable.

"Sorry, lately there's been some trouble going around the outside, my men are being sabotage and unable to continue their work." Kenchiki explained his brows furrowed.

"I see, where are we going to eat today?" Junichi looked out the window as the car was beginning to slow down, near a place he wasn't fond of now. It could not be that certain place, of course not, recently the only thing that has been really annoying lately was a 'little' someone. A person who has been pestering him at school and making a ruckus whenever he went out alone. And from his seat the car pulled slowly next to an all-too-familiar figure.

"I talk about my best friend often and you look interested everytime I bring him up, I was thinking of introducing you two-"

"Who tha hell said I was interested in yer friend?" Junichi frowned in distaste. "The only reason I pay attention to ya is so ya won't get all butt hurt!" The irritation came out, he was clearly bothered to meet someone knew and Kenchiki saw right through him, Kenchiki smiled sheepishly.

"Don't be like that, once you meet him, you'll grow to like him." Kenchiki said as the door was opened by the driver and a well-dressed man joined in, making the enclosed car feel more cramped.

"Shit, it's too cramped here!" Junichi began to whine as he huffed, the car began to move.

"Junichi, I'd like to introduce you to Shikida Shigemi, he's a close friend of mine." Kenchiki turned to see Junichi's head low and his face out of vision. "He's been wanting to meet you recently- are you ok?" Kenchiki began to do introductions when he looked back again at his youthful friend to see Junichi's face turn ghastly, he was incredibly pale, sweat began to trickle down the side of his face, it also began to gather on his forehead.

Junichi... well not Junichi, more towards the soul residing within Junichi, he's a lot of things, ever since he had become the master of the slave system, he had become his own person, he liked his stuff and dislikes much more. During his enslavement though he had gone through many tortures, there were worlds which would give him a peaceful life and a quick death, while others would torture both his mind and body, dragging out the agony and days, making it feel as if the agony would never end. During these times he had attained loathing towards certain things, which he had no power to overcome. One of these things, now that he's free, is coming back to him.

Claustrophobia, the fear of enclosed spaces.

Memories of multiple lives of being kidnapped or abused and shoved into a small closet or a trunk, came shoving back into his mind as his face began to pale and his forehead was layered with cold sweat. He hated enclosed spaces, his heart began to speed up, his hands turned clammy, and his vision blurred. He remembered many situations that kept him in confined spaces, one where he was buried alive, another where he was nailed into a trunk and left to float in the ocean. Another where he was locked inside of a car truck and was sent to have the car compressed. Another where his entire body was wrapped in sheets so tight that he lost feeling to his legs due to his blood being cut off from his body's circulation. Throughout the many times he was trapped he would cry out for help, scream, shout, beat his hands against the walls if they were free, struggle so much that he would pass out from the sheer panic attacks wracking his entire body.

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