Chapter 38 Castle

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Night quickly came for Mikhail as he waited by the window and watched the common folk go about their day. They had stalled and were waiting in the kingdom's city to scope out the castle's defense system and power. During the half a year of gaining intel, both master and panther had finally 'bonded', it was Mikhail's wish to grow stronger, and if a panther can help him to be it, if he was able to protect his beautiful sister, he would do everything in his power to achieve it.

During their time there though, the handsome crown prince and the agile panther spent their time together when Mikahil wasn't looking, it was a spectacular time, and left the panther feeling as if he was actually enjoying the world he was living in. He couldn't help but feel like his body felt light when around Dewei.

"Should we get the prince?" Mikhail said as he strapped a knife onto his ankle, he turned to look at his panther with a raised brow.

"No, he's very much capable of finding us, I'm not too sure why he didn't come after us when I left his room." Karim said as he licked his hip, cleaning himself slightly.

"We were supposed to go scouting last night, but you never showed. It's that prince that's getting in the way." Mikhail huffed with annoyance. "No wonder it took us so long to get this intel, that prince is getting in the way."

"What can we do? It's not as if we can get rid of him, the human is basically your King, his coronation is coming in a couple of years." Karim said as he laid down onto the bed with a relaxed posture.

"You're right about that much, then he'll catch up when he needs to, let's get going." Mikhail spoke as he jumped out the window, following close behind was his panther.

They jumped from roof to roof, their presence well-hidden perfectly for the untrained eye. When clouds blocked the moon, they rushed faster. When clouds revealed the moon, their movements were slowed but they kept to the shadows. Recently they had heard of commotion within their allied kingdom. The reason they were so cautious was mainly because there were guards and knights everywhere.

"I scouted the area last night, so I memorized their routes. We have a three-minute window by the East wall we need to hurry while the guards are switching posts." Mikhail said as they bolted forward towards a tree and hid within the leaves and branches to wait for the three-minute window.

As they slipped past the guard they flipped and jumped over the huge stone castle wall. They kept to the shadows and made sure that they weren't noticed by anyone. Should they be spotted and captured then the ally would send a declaration of war.

The halls were surprisingly empty, only a couple of maids getting everything ready for breakfast tomorrow morning. They held no kind of posture that would have assumed then to be trained. So as passive and unaware the maid where the two informants passed the maids by as if they weren't there hiding in the shadows.

They were in.

The castle was indeed big, not as big as their own kingdom, but it would take second place. The interior was a whole other thing, decorated with fancy and beautiful jewels. A theme of Ruby red and emerald, green complimented other types of red furniture. It carried an air of youthful energy but a powerful King.

The ally kingdom named Uruvo Kingdom, one filled with the usual festivals and dance entertainment, closely resembles that of a tourist attraction for others all over. They are a small kingdom, but they hold power to which can rival the heroes' kingdom known as Bondulia kingdom.

"We'll need to find the King's office; there he'll have maps and blueprints of his kingdom and castle." Mikhail said as he readjusted the mask covering half his face.

Karim nodded as he rolled his eyes internally.

I sure hope we get a map; we'll be going blind searching for information... And I'll probably sneak off to the treasury room.

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