Chapter 24 Fixated

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Damien lay on the floor in pain as Gavin had pulled him from Isaac and punched him square in the face.

"Get him out of here." Gavin ordered and as if it were like second nature the police men all left and heavily clothed huge men came and grabbed the now struggling male lead and female lead.

"No! This is not how it's supposed to be!! You are the bad guy, you are the one who is always doing the dreadful things, why are we being arrested we did not do anything wrong!" Isabelle struggled but was slapped across the face by Isaac with a mysterious smile.

"Why? You were conspiring with sweet lips Damien over there on taking down your home. The world of beauty." Isaac said.

"What? What do you mean, he would never do that –" Before she could finish her whole story, she was handed some papers with extremely specific information. All the information she had given Damien on how she did not enter this dangerous city through the main gates, instead she used a different route within the wall to exit her safe home. "No there must be some kind of..."

The next paper revealed weapons being stashed nearby and a strategy on the best way to overrun the city. Her face turned pale, and she looked towards Damien who didn't meet her eyes. "Is this true?" Isabelle pleaded with him to say it wasn't but his silence answered it all. "Tell me this isn't true!"

Both were finally dragged away with Isabelle screaming and shouting profusely as she cried towards the man she loved. After the two were taken away in became silent, the only sound was the crashing waves off in the distance hitting the mountain range to the side.

"What a show huh!" Isaac grinned wildly.

"Those rumors of throwing your body at rich men to do your bidding, is just that right? Rumors?" Gavin tried to confirm it from Isaac who turned and walked slowly to the still awaiting boat.

"Not at all, those rumors were true... I had to fuck my way up the chain. I earned the trust of the men I slept with, did their every bidding in bed, and told them sweet nothings to have my way in the end, I would be let into secret meetings. I would even help them with certain projects and show them that I was useful as they succeeded, gaining them millions in the process, and ruining them as I took their fortunes. Sometimes their trusts would not be sated with only regular sex, they'd want to role play, get a bit rough. At times it wasn't even sex anymore, it was just pain for me and pleasure for the other." Isaac told his tale as if he spoke of his success, and in a way it was.

"How did it all start?" Gavin said he was still not moving, but he could hear the voice of the brother he fell in love with clearly as if the waves of the ocean weren't there.

"The day mommy and daddy went away forever." Isaac stopped then, his figure still and unmoving, like a statue. "I had gone to see if uncle could take us in, but I hadn't realized that uncle was only nice because of me and our parents being alive. Once they were out of the picture, he locked me in his toy room and did so many things that I had lost track of time. I escaped soon after, I vowed on that last day that if I were to leave that disgusting room, I would use my looks to get what I wanted..." He suddenly twirled around, his hands spread apart as if awaiting a hug, a huge grin on his face and bright features. But the golden eyes held no light in them, they held calculation as he looked at his younger brother.

"Do you still want me as you said last time?" He mocked. "This disgusting and used toy that has no use anymore. That has been passed down by dirty old men just for its suffering still be at its neck? A broken and unwanted toy?" His voice cracked slightly as he said unwanted. "You are repulsed right? You feel like you've been cheated? This heart has no room for anyone, it does not even have room for me, do you still want me little brother?"

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