Adventure 7.4

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Covered in blood, Nadain washed herself at a nearby stream. The blood on her hands not once phasing her.  She began to strip her armor one piece at a time, and took her time to make sure not a shred of blood evidence was visible. And soon she was down to her undergarments that didn't seem to have any evidence of a massacre on them.

"You would make such an amazing demon." The entity within her teared up in a mocking tone.

"I will never be like your kind." Disgusted, Nadain began to wash her brown blood soaked hair.

"Never? Oh don't break my heart, you're gonna make me cryyyyy~" The demon sniffled as is smiled right after.

"You don't have the capacity to feel sadness demon!" Nadain snapped at the demon and sat back against a tree to let her clothing dry.

"Maybe your right, maybe your wrong, who knows if you're not me." The demon teased. "I'll let you in on a little secret... You're closer to a demon than anyone else~."

Nadain huffed as she decided not to talk to the demon, she had been thinking non stop about the information that was given to her. The man she needs to hunt down is named Anto Dalibor.

"How about another taste then?" The demon spoke with humor in it's tone.

Before Nadain could figure out what the demon was plotting, something pulsed inside of her. She felt an overwhelming amount of power coursed through her body, her veins felt like they were burning, but it wasn't painful. It was filled with an overwhelming feeling of pure raw power.

"Oh yeaaahhh~" She moaned in pleasure as she struck down the tree she was leaning against and blew it into nothing but splinters.

She turned to punch another tree but as her fist connected the power disappeared as if it was all her imagination. Because of this, her flesh fist connected to the trunk of the tree and completely shattered her entire arm.

"Aaaaaaaarrrghhhh!" She shrieked in pain, hording her mush like arm.

"How did that feel? It's like when you're about to cum and then the person that's about to make you cum slapped you across the face and starts beating you. And in the back of your head you realize that now you have blue balls." A maniacal laughter came from Nadain's head as it laughed until the demons stomach began to ache.


A cloudless night formed as the sun began to set, the moon soon illuminating the forest in it's most gorgeous and dangerous appearance. This forest wasn't like our little demon's forest, no not at all. It was much more big than our Protagonist, this forest was known to be the Demon lords territory, and if anyone  crossed the edge where the trees meet the wasted barren fields, their heads would soon fall to the ground, unable to figure out how their souls left their bodies.

Within these dense woods sat snug on the dark black ground an enormous castle, this castle held the presence of many staff and trusted people. But the only ones living here was a single person. It had been originally two, but unfortunately one is bed ridden and almost at death's door.

Inside a lavish room filled with vibrant gold and cool colors, a person lay on the huge mattress. This person held a greying and wrinkled dried skin. His eyes were sunken and held little light to show he was actually alive, if it wasn't for his slow raising chest that is.

Yet this person looked odd, on his head we're two profound horns, dark mesmerizing. This old senior was a demon, a very old demon.

"My son." The old demon said as he looked towards his son that was standing by his bed. "Once news gets out that I have passed away, people will come to challenge you for the throne."

The son spoke no words, he looked towards his father unfazed as he gave a short nod. His father gave a weak smile.

"Tonauac, you must take over the throne and show them the blood of our pure demon blood family." Again the son, Tonauac, nodded.

"Once you have conquered the throne like our many predecessors, find someone to accompany you and protect them with all your might." The old demon coughed out blood, splattering all over his chin and clothing, a young maid hurried over with sad eyes as she cleared away the black blood. "Do not be surprised if you cannot find someone, us demons can never live happily-"

"I have someone." The son interrupted his father with utmost certainty.

"Yes I forgot." The old demon lord spoke as he gave a sad smile.

"They're out there, I can feel them, and once I take over the throne I'll go out to search for that person." The young demon master spoke with a glint in his eyes.

"Again Tonauac, if this person truly exists-"

"They do."

"How can you be so sure they will love you back?"

"Because I know, and if by chance they don't, I don't care, as long as I am beside them." Tonauac said as he looked into his father's eyes. "Rest assured, I will make sure to bring them to you when I find them."

"So be it." The old lords eyes shut, making his blood red eyes disappear. "I will be waiting son."

Soon after his life force was no more, and as it dissparead all demons close by could feel their old master had passed away. Some mourned and the strongest began to move, making their way to the castle to prove their power once and for all.

"It has begun your highness." A tall butles with short red horns spoke as his never opening eyes looked towards the future leader. If he wins all challengers. "Let us get you ready for battle."

Without another word, the young prince Tonauac made his way towards the armory, his eyes darkening as he thought of that someone who he knew was out there waiting for him.

His highness the young prince entered the armory, it was decorated with the most strongest armor made out of the rarest ores that demons were able to smelt and make their own trade mark defence.

He began to pick and choose his armor set, it consisted of an entirely black armor with a terrifying black sword that leaked out a black mist. Anyone who was anyone would have knelt down, swearing they had seen the reaper if they saw this young prince.

"Ready your highness?" The butler said with a small smile, remembering the days he had spent with his master raising him from a small child to the sophisticated young man that stood before him.

"Ready." The young prince nodded with an evil glint to those dark eyes.


Oh? And who is this mysterious young man who was suddenly appeared?


E-ehem. *Blushes*

Nevermind that, continue.

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