Chapter 44 Birth

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The month for Karim to finally give birth has finally arrived, shifting Panthers when pregnant didn’t take up too much time to form the child inside of them, they would take about four months at least. During that time the entire castle was in chaos, everyone fetched bowls of warm water, towels and much more, healing potions were collected and physicians were called from all over.

The maids were professional as always, keeping a look out for any threats while the two heads helped out in the delivery of the babies. Right beside him was the Emperor, trying to calm his wife.

One came out, another and then another.

Two more and the growling and hissing panther looked feral enough to slaughter every single maid who touched her cubs for too long. They were quickly given to Karim and he hovered over his children.

So tiny, it was now obvious that they could fit so many it such a small belly. When concerns came and thrown towards Nader he calmly shook his head with a huge grin.

“All Panthers are small when Cubs, I was too. Do not worry, even if they’re small and fragile as grass, they’ll grow up strong warriors like little brother and I.” He puffed out his chest in pride. “Oh and mothers are very protective over their kin. So don’t touch the cubs at all during the first month, brother Déwei should stay clear as well.”

“Me as well?” Déwei asked with a frown.

“You may be the father, but in the wild, mated Panthers stick together for only a week and soon after leave the mother’s to raise their kin, this is wired into us Panthers, so don’t take offense if Karim cannot recognize you instantly.” Nader informed.

“Will they shift?” Déwei asked concerned, “Or will they need to train like Karim?”

“It isn’t unheard of when a human mates with a panther, but it also isn’t rare, in our society, when a panther can shift into their full human form and give birth to man cubs, they don’t have to use training. Maybe a week or two before they begin to learn.” A woman’s voice sounded from behind them, turning around they saw the beauty of Nader and Karim’s mother, everyone could tell where Karim obtained such otherworldly beauty.

During the middle of Karim’s pregnancy the mother, Roana had arrived from her journey, keeping her eldest son company and training him for the unexpected.

“I understand.” Déwei looked towards the maids who scurried out of the room, they were by the door, and to the corner where the bed was pushed towards was a shifted panther, and it’s cubs drinking its milk.

“Ari, my beautiful wife.” Déwei walked forward cautiously, while Karim seemed to just want to rip his face off.

He reached towards the panther and slowly petted him. After a while his hand roamed lower towards the little cubs feeding. Karim seemed to notice this and growled dangerously.

“Easy, they’re my kin as well.” Déwei said his eyes hardening as he showed his dominance to his wife.

Karim didn’t seem to calm but he didn’t look like he was going to attack. Déwei picked up a small cub, only half of his hand was covered. It whined, wanting to go back to the warmth of it’s mother.

“It’s a boy, so small.” Déwei felt such warmth in his chest.

He brought him up to his lips and gently kissed it. A warning growl was heard from Karim. He laid the kit back onto the sheets and turned to leave. “Ari, I’ll be back.” Déwei said but only received a growl and a swipe in response, he sighed as he left the room.

“Your Majesty, an army is making its way through the thick woods towards Uruvy.” A hidden knight spoke, one of the knights that had retrieved the paper talisman from before.

“At a time like this?” His eyes hardened at the insignificant ant daring to attack him at such a day, he looked intimidating, but the fresh small four claws on his cheek lowered that intimidation down. Making the other hidden shadow knights look on awkwardly. “Get everyone ready, we’ll meet them at the door.”

“Yes your Imperial Majesty.” The knight flashed away and did as ordered.

Karim on the other hand was in the Panther’s mind sitting back and enjoying the show. His motherly animal instincts had kicked in when giving birth and he let it take over while he looked on at the scratch marks he left on some maids and that beast Emperor. Taking a little over he looked down at his children.

All boys, and one little girl, the youngest one at that. He huffed at the trouble she’ll have to go through when having such overprotective brothers. He could barely deal with his big brother from this world. He knew especially the protective role that male Panthers had over siblings. Karim also knows full well that his animal side will be taking over again and again if someone goes near his little babies.

Their eyes not even open as they were all asleep after finishing their milk. He didn’t mind the female role he took up, but he was glad that his little guy was still there.

His snout went towards the cubs as he licked and cleaned them from any fluids. He didn’t have to let the animal side take over to know how protective he felt over these little ones. A feeling so strong filled his chest as he felt like shedding tears. An emotion he hadn’t felt in so long after going through so many lives and worlds.

He made these little Cubs, he made a life form by himself, the very first life form in all of his lives that he actually chose to bare. He bared with the pain and was filled with joy at such miracles that lay before him.

[Master, Geron army are meeting up with Bondulia army as we speak. Emperor Déwei knows from his secret knights and is waiting for their first attack.]

Of course, I wouldn’t let anything pass when it concerns that soul. Such amazing abilities that not even the main leads are able to posses. Karim nodded as he stopped bathing his children and looked up and out the window.

[A foreseen problem has arrived, one of your theories was correct master.] The system gazed at the retired King Sying who was leaving the castle and escaping the Empire through a hidden passage.

Ah yes the retired King, what King will let their own son intimidate and take over the throne so easily. It was bound to happen, and since he was unable to trust anyone, mainly because Déwei had win them over and the military were practically loyal bound to only Déwei, he was alonehin any schemes he wanted to do.

So he waited for the perfect time, the Geron Kingdom had been secretly plotting against them. And had overheard a meeting through the many secret passages in the castle. After Mikhail had returned from his mission, he had given him a full report of the ally Kingdom and their plans. So he had to leave his Empire to conquer it with Geron in turn for complete peace between the two.

Keep track of the foolish retired King. Make sure you notify me when he get inside the castle.

[Yes master]

Almost a week had passed on, and the army had gotten closer and closer by the day.

Karim had moved his baby Cubs out and into the garden so they could be in a more open area. Déwei had been nowhere near their location during that week, but Karim could feel him peeking around the corner. The maids dwindled to four, as to not intimidate and give off a threatening feeling towards the panther. Who was making sure his cubs weren’t doing anything they weren’t supposed to do.

There was the oldest, Satar, who was guiding the rest at slaying a couple of butterflies. He ‘imitated’ their mother and lowered their bodies to the ground.

The second, Pyruz, was licking at flowers curiously, ignoring his big brother. The third, Kayan was play fighting with the fourth, Behrouz. While the only girl, Kokab, was sitting by her mother looking at her idiotic big brothers.

They were all identical, but all held different types of personalities. Not only that when they shift into human form, they’ll no doubt look different as well.

“Children, come over, someone I want you to meet is coming.” Karim spoke as he ordered his little cubs.

They all complied, each one fumbling towards their mother’s side.

“Who, who? Who is it mother?” The excited third born, Kayan spoke as he wagged his tail in excitement.

“Your father.” Karim said as he shifted, his clothing from before was still as visible and revealing as always.

“Are you ok Ari?” Déwei suddenly appeared as he stood before his cute wife.

“Yeah, being a panther can trigger a protective instinct, sorry I scratched you.” Karim caressed the barely visible scratches at his cheek, he leaned forward and gave a gentle kiss. “Would you like to meet our children?”

“Without a doubt.” Déwei said, clear nervousness in his face from the slight sweating.

“They should be able to shift any day now, but for now, introductions.” Karim gave a same gentle smile, one he didn’t know he was capable of making. “This is Satar, oldest, then it’s Pyruz, Kayan, Behrouz, and finally our only little girl, Kokab.”

Kokab peeped from behind her mother at the huge giant, even if her mother turned into a giant as well, she didn’t know the new one beside the others that kept a peaceful watch in the distance.

“Hello everyone, my name is Déwei, I’m your father, call me daddy.” Déwei sat cross-legged onto the grass and let the cubs walk towards him, his face slightly blushed as the cubs came forth.

Slowly but surely they came to give a small sniff towards the handsome giant. They were all identical, though some were different sizes, the oldest was the biggest, even for their small forms.

Each held identical Golden eyes.

“This is daddy?” Satar looked at the silver haired man before him. “Can we trust this daddy, mommy?”

“With your life.” Karim nodded as he too sat on the grass next to Déwei as he motioned for the rest to come closer.

Once they had gotten used to his scent, that resembled their mother, they had all jumped and began cuddling into their father.

Karim looked towards Déwei, he reached forward and tucked a loose short strand behind his ear. Déwei grabbed hold of the hand and brought it to his lips, kissing it gently, his eyes filled with love.

Karim chuckled at the little ones but stopped as he looked worriedly at his oldest. “Satar, are you alright?”

“Mommy. I feel weird.” Satar whimpered.

“What’s wrong?” Déwei asked, ready to bring in a panther expert.

“He’s shifting.” Karim smiled as the fur began to disappear and bones began to rearrange, before them sat a naked little three year old.

His clear silver hair that he gained from his father was clear, slightly tanned skin and a mini version of Déwei.

[Master, the retired King has successfully re-entered the castle with a group of knights and the King of Geron.]

“He’s… Big.” Déwei asked shocked.

“Well he’s a week old, he should be a toddler at this age, I am five years old.”

“…” Déwei looked shocked.

“You look older.”

“In our panther years, three years old is a mature adult, in human I should be at least twenty four.” Karim explained. “If I am correct, then I should be older than you in human years. You’re twenty one.”

Karim smirked at the shocked Déwei.

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