Puzzled 7.10

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Nani?! An early update?!


Pitch black.

Everything was dark, not a single spot held a source of light, engulfed in darkness a beautiful being with silver flowing hair floated in nothingness. Skin as white as snow, as if he had never felt the touch of the warm sun. His golden gaze gazed around. A man in his early thirties but looked much younger than what his age told. His reaching past his feet, growing endlessly.

He sighed as he felt the looking darkness hug and suffocate him. This was odd, usually he would have panicked, he would have shrieked and began thrashing about, feeling suffocated and crushed. But she didn't feel that, he felt...


But he knew it was himself, it felt like the darkness was lonely. It felt like ages as he floated in the abyss.

"Who are you?" A deep voice resonated around him, finally a companion.

The man began to think.

Who was it that spoke? There aren't many people who have the ability to create a space unless...

The Creator?

Many thoughts raced through his mind as he began to plot and plan, he felt weak and with no ability in this space. He didn't want to feel like losing even before throwing a punch. He turned to look around but no one was there, only sound. Since he didn't have a reason to not respond and it might go nowhere because of his lack of response he decided to answer.

"I'm..." He stopped, thinking and then frowned, and continued. "I don't know."

There was silence.

"You... Don't know either?" The voice said with a tone of sadness.

"Either? Who are you? Where are we? Why is everything so dark?" Golden eyes questioned and scanned his still black filled surroundings.

"I'm not sure who I am, I don't remember where I came from... I only remember waking up here. I don't know where we are, but will this help?" The rough voice sounded as the darkness seemed to shift.

The blackness seemed to scurry off to unknown corners of the space. The man now stood on soft green grass as he noticed a beautiful tree with silver like leafs. A river ran beside it, carrying crystal like rocks.

"How is it?" The voice sounded beside the man and he turned around, coming face to face with a very much handsome gentleman. His hair was long as well, yet it reached to his mid back and looked disheveled, like he hadn't brushed it in so long. His eyes dark and mysterious, as if he saw right through him.

"It's beautiful." He said with a small smile. "How did you do this?"

"I just willed it, and it became." He looked around as if it was natural but never really thought too deeply into it.

"I see." The lovely man looked around, closed his eyes, and thought.

Opening his eyes he looked down to his hand and saw a brush. Seems like this man before him isn't the only one that can will this place. Looking up he thought up a chair and made the handsome man sit down. Beginning his interrogation.

"Have you ever had a system?"


"Do you not remember your very first memories?"

"I do not think so, just that I came to be."

"Do you know about the many worlds?"

"I know about the existence of many life, but cannot directly interfere with them. I've tried many times already, no one can see me."

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