"See? Isn't it more fun when you have a chance?" You smirked and hopped away. You dodged the girls and sent them to the ground before only you, Layken, and another girl were left.

"I don't think this ended how you planned it would." You glanced around.

"Don't talk down to me!" Layken shouted. "You ruined what was supposed to be one of the best days of my life and won't even acknowledge it!" She ran towards you, fist raised.

You rolled your eyes and went to move away, but you couldn't. You looked down to see a girl holding onto your ankles. You threw your hands up to protect yourself and winced as she made contact with your arm.

"You're so stupid!" She screamed as she threw more punches. You kept trying to free your legs, but the other girl held on tight.

You didn't know where the other girl had gone until you felt something collide with your stomach.

You gasped as the breath got knocked out of you and doubled over.

"Not so high and mighty now, are you?" Layken landed a hit on your cheek. She then shoved you to the ground.

You let out a small grunt and tried to roll over, but she stopped you. "No. See, it's much more fun when we have a chance, right?"

You scowled and risked looking up at her. Some of the girls had stood back up, groaning slightly and were now beside her staring down at you.

"Let's go at it." Layken said before she kicked you.

You coughed and curled in on yourself, trying to protect your face and stomach. Suddenly every other girl seemed to do the same as her and you tensed up.

"Mason-!" You screamed, another connection to your stomach cutting you off. "Elijah! Xander!"

Layken laughed, sending another kick that caused you to cough, "Asking them to protect you? What a funny joke."

You winced and curled in on yourself even more, hoping that they had heard you.

"I'm just saying, if we invite her over we can-" Xander started.

"Mason-!" A scream echoed and each boy turned towards the sound.

Mason shot up, "Was that (Y/n)?"

"Elijah! Xander!"

The other boys stood up as well, "I think it was. Why does she sound like she's in pain?!" Elijah asked.

"I don't know. Come on!" Mason snapped as he ran down the path, Xander and Elijah following behind.

The three boys stopped as they looked at the scene in front of them.

You opened one eye and looked between the pairs of legs, seeing multiple people standing on the path.

"Mason!" You cried as a particular hard kick landed on your back.

"Damn it. What the hell is happening here?!" Mason shouted as he came up to the group of girls.

"Get away from her!" Elijah snapped as he started pulling girls away.

Xander roughly dragged girls away from you.

Relief flooded through you as you watched the boys separate you from the them. Mason examined every girls face before he turned to Layken.

"You're Layken Whinsle right? (Y/n)'s old friend." Mason growled, glaring at Layken.

She nodded, "You know me? Well I suppose you would since I'm the victim of (Y/n)'s little ga-"

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