Parent Battle

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I walked to the office that Blair had at the house and knocked on the door.

"Come in." He shouted from the other side of the door.

I walked in and closed the door behind me.

"Hey how is studying going for bible study?" Renee asked as she sat in front of him.

"It's going quite well actually. I was stuck between two different subjects but God placed this one in my spirit." Blair said patting the papers on his desk.

"Well you better go with that one then." She said to him.

Blair sat back in his chair and intertwined his fingers together.

"Hmm." He said looking at her.

Renee looked at him side ways with a look on her face.

"What?" She said looking back at him.

"What you want? You don't come in this office unless you want something or you got something to get off your chest. So which one is it?"

"It's both."

"And what exactly is it? Renee I don't have time for no foolishness now."

"And what makes you think it's about anything crazy?"

"I just know. Now what is it?"

Before she could get anything out her mouth there was another knock on the door.

"I guess I got the hot office today. Come in." Blair said.

Aaron came in and looked at his parents.

"Hey guys. I didn't mean to interrupt y'all little shindig but I'm about to hit the road to go where Amiyah is."

"Boy what I told you about calling your brother that. He is not a girl. He's a boy and I named him Micah." Blair said getting mad.

"Look Pop. I don't care what you say. I accept her for what she is. And I don't have to act like you. Regardless if she wants to be a man or a woman that is my blood and I love her. So again I'm about to head out to be with Amiyah. Just wanted to let you know I was gone."

"Boy don't be defiant with me. I'm still your father. And you will respect me and my belief."

"Pop ain't nobody trying to do nothing with you. I respect my sister. And that's that. And most of all I support her. Something that you don't."

"Blair please. This is not something that nobody wants to argue with you about." Renee

"So you with this abomination too? How can you be a pastors wife and you let your SON be this way huh? Do you realize how this makes me and the first family look?"

"That's your problem. You worried about what people gonna say or do. We raised our children. And we raised them in the church. So however they go out there and live is not on us but on them. But I will not disown my child because of this." Renee said tearing up.

"Come on mama. Don't cry. See man look how you stressing my mama out. Just accept the damn girl for what she is." Aaron said getting mad.

"You watch your mouth in my house boy." Blair said.

"You know what. I'm gone. Mama I'll call you when I make it there. I love you."

"Ok baby. Be safe. And make sure you call me time you make it in." Renee said standing and hugging her son.

"I will." He said as he kissed his mom.

"Pop I'll see you later man. Even though you mad. I love you." Aaron said looking at his dad.

Blair was so mad at this point he didn't want to say anything to his son.

"Yeah ok. Go on." He said waving his hand for him to go.

Aaron shook his head in disappointment and walked out the door after he kissed his mom on the cheek.

Renee looked at her husband and folded her arms across her chest.

"Why must you be like this Blair? You don't see how you are hurting our children. Stop being in pastor mode all the time and just be their father." She said as tears fell down her cheeks.

"Renee." Blair said pinching the bridge of his nose. "I can't accept this mess and you know it. Now my bible said it's a abomination and that is what I believe."

"And yet you just messed the entire speech I just gave you. Wow. You know what don't worry about what I came in here for. Cause it's obvious you are not gonna listen anyway."

"What is it that you want to talk about?" He said coming from behind the desk walking to her.

"Nothing. I'm going to cook dinner."

Renee walked off and Blair grabbed her arm stopping her in her tracks.

"Wait baby. Don't leave out mad. You know I don't like it when you are upset with me. And I don't go to bed mad. You know that. What is it?" He said rubbing her arm.

"I wanted to talk about Amiyah and how you don't accept her and don't support her. She loves you and wants the love and support from her father."

Blair let her go and his temper shot back up.

"Darn it Renee. Not this again! I told you if he wants my support he needs to be what me and the Lord made him and that's a boy. Date a woman. Get married. Have me some grandkids."

"Well that's not gonna happen. She has had her operation. She doesn't just have her breast. Her penis is gone and is replaced with a vagina." Renee said.

Blair was furious. He didn't know that Amiyah had the surgery already. He thought it was just the top.

"Wait. You mean to tell me that my son mutilated his body already?"

"She is a woman. Respect that Blair. And support that." Renee said.

"Renee get out my office. I don't want to hear another word about that thing." Blair said punching his desk.

"Thing? Thing?!!! How can you call your own flesh and blood a thing? You know what? Don't say another word to me." Renee said as she walked out and slammed the door.

Blair is not supporting his kids at all!!!!!

What are your thoughts about how Blair is doing Amiyah????

Aaron snapped about his sister!!!!!!

Comment and vote!!!!!

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