Im Trying

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I closed up the shop from a busy day. I was so excited we had Cherry working with us thanks to bae. I am really falling in love with Erik. He is already looking out for me. As I did the deposit for the night and closed up the shop my cell phone started to ring.

I looked at the caller ID to my surprise it was my father calling. I didn't know rather to answer it or let it go to voicemail. It rung a few more times and answered it.

"Yes?" Amiyah answered with a attitude.

"Don't you speak to me in that matter you hear me Micah. Now I sat here and thought about all of this abomination. You need to come to your senses and get yourself together. Now I don't know how you gonna get your manhood back but that needs to be the first thing." Blair said.

"Daddy I'm not doing it. This is my life now. And if that's what you called me about then this conversation is over." Amiyah said.

"How dare you disrespect this family like this? Huh? I didn't raise you to be like this. You are a man and that is what I expect." Blair hollered at Amiyah.

"What you expect? WHAT YOU ECPEXT?!" Amiyah yelled as tears fell down.

"You heard me. I am not gonna keep putting up with this. And now you got this man you seeing. Does he even know you had extra equipment down there?" Blair said sarcastically.

"You know what daddy. I got to go. Don't call me anymore if it's about this. This is my life. I am a woman. And that is that. Goodbye." Amiyah said as she hung up the phone.

Amiyah locked the door and sat there for a second. As the tears fell down her checks she replayed the conversation in her head that her and her father just had. She didn't understand why he couldn't just accept what she was now like everyone else.

Her cell rings again. Amiyah looked at the caller ID and saw it was Erik. A smile crept on her face as she answered the phone.

"Hello baby. How was your day?" Erik said timed the phone was answered.

"It was a busy day thanks to you." Amiyah said trying to clear her voice.

"What's wrong? I hear your voice cracking." Erik asked concerned.

"Nothing I just needed to clear my throat that's all." Amiyah said as she unlocked her car and got in.

"No. I'm not stupid. Have you been crying?" Erik asked.

The phone got silent for a little. Amiyah didn't know rather to tell him what was wrong or lie. After all he doesn't know about her situation.

"Hello are you there?" Erik asked.

"Yeah bae I'm here. I just had a little argument with my dad that's all. Nothing big." Amiyah admits.

"Argument? About what? Come over to my house instead of me coming over. I don't like this." Erik said sternly.

"Are you sure about that?" Amiyah asked him.

"Couldn't be no clearer. I got dinner ready so come on over. That is why I was calling you. I wanted to spoil you tonight." Erik said.

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