Deep Conversation

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Aaron texted me his mom number so I can call her. As soon as number came in I dialed it. I waited a few rings and she answered.

"Hello." Renee said.

"Hi Mrs. Stoney. This is Erik. How are you today?" Erik asked.

"I'm blessed. How are you? Is everything ok?" Renee asked with concern.

"Yes ma'am. Everything is fine. I wanted to call and talk with you and Mr. Stoney about some things concerning Amiyah and I." Erik said.

"Oh? So what is going on with you two?" Renee asked.

"Well I didn't like the way that happened over the weekend. Amiyah is very upset and I want to make sure we are all on one accord with each other being I'm going to marry her." Erik confessed.

"So you are serious about marrying my daughter?" Renee asked.

"Yes ma'am. I feel no I know she's the one for me. I've never felt this way about no one. And I don't want to wait. I want to start planning our wedding immediately. And I want y'all approval. More especially her father." Erik said.

The line got quiet for a few seconds. Renee didn't know if Amiyah had told Erik about her secret past. And she knew how her husband felt about all of this. He doesn't accept Amiyah and he don't accept same sex marriage. He lives by that bible. And he treats all of them with a strict hand.

"Hello you there Mrs. Stoney?" Erik asked.

"Yes I'm here. I was just listening to you. Let me ask you a question. Did Amiyah tell yip anything about her and her fathers relationship?" Renee asked him.

"No ma'am she didn't. And when I do ask she always tell me she don't want to talk about it. Is it something I need to know? I mean I told bae there are to be no secrets between us. I'm not going nowhere so she should just tell me everything and let us deal with it first hand." Erik explains to Renee.

"Yes and I totally agree. But there are some things that I feel should only come from her. So I will let her tell you about that. But I do want this to work out for you and Amiyah." Renee said.

"Is Mr. Stoney home? I would love to have a conversation with him. Or better yet I was thinking of bringing him back out here to have a one on one with me. That way us men can talk." Erik said.

Renee choked on her drink and started coughing.

"Oh my God are you ok?" Erik asked concerned.

Renee coughed a little more and talked in between them.

"Yes baby I'm fine. But what is it that you want to talk to him about that you can't talk to me about?" Renee asked as she cleared her throat.

"Why is it that you or no one else want me to talk to him?" Erik asked feeling some type of way.

"It's a lot behind this story. And I just don't want you to get caught up in this." Renee said trying to change the atmosphere.

"I'm a grown man. I can handle this." Erik said.

Renee took a deep breath and begin to talk.

"Erik this family have private affairs that only us know. And I'm not trying to keep you out the loop but some things we don't discuss unless they individual tells it. You need to have a talk with Amiyah. She would be the one to tell you about this. But I don't recommend you to talk to her father nor bring him out there for you to talk to by yourself." Renee said.

"Again and why is that? I'm a man. And I'm Amiyahs man. And I feel I should be able to discuss our future." Erik said.

Blair walked in the room and stood in the door and listened to the conversation. He didn't make himself known cause he wanted to hear everything that was being said. Renee had the phone on speaker so he was able to hear everything she said and what Erik said. The conversation got deeper and deeper as he stood there.

"Mrs. Stoney is there something that you are not telling me? I mean I don't get why he would not speak with me man to man." Erik asked.

"I think you should just talk to me." Renee said.

"Again this is crazy. I know he's a pastor and all but that is why he should be more understanding to hear me out about us getting married." Erik said.

"Getting married? Over my dead body. You will not marry no one over here. My son knows what he needs to do." Blair yelled out.

Before he could get anything out Renee hung the phone up.

"Why would you do that huh? Why? What have I told you about that? This is not your place to out your daughter about her business." Renee yelled.

"Daughter what daughter? I told you I don't have a daughter. I have 2 sons. They boy needs to know the truth. He's dealing with a man. Just because he went and cut his manhood off and got breast don't make him a woman. And then you and Aaron around here calling him a girl. He's no girl. He's a abomination." Blair yelled.

Renee walked over to Blair and slaps him.

"How dare you act this way. That's your problem now. You sit here and judge. You're not at the church now. You're home. You're a father not a preacher now." Renee yelled as tears fell down her face.

Blair grabbed her by the arms and pulled her close to him.

"You listen to me and you listen to me good. Stop this madness. You are a pastors wife and a First Lady. You need to stop accepting this. That is a man and he would never be a woman. Tell that man the truth or we will have a problem with us." Blair said pushing her away and walking out the room slamming the door.

This is bad as ever now!!!!!

What will happen????

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