I Made A Decision

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Yesterday was a hard day for us. Our parents came in with all the drama. Trying to maintain my life and get it back to normal was really working against me. Amiyah was about to leave me yesterday. I don't know what came over me but I didn't want her to leave me. My manhood is definitely challenged but I love that woman. I can't take that from her. She has been nothing but good to me. Well besides the lie that was told and the secrets. But we have so much invested into us. I can't just walk away and pretend that nothing was never there.

I got up and took care my hygiene and went downstairs to make breakfast. I left her upstairs asleep. I didn't want to wake her. She hasn't really been getting alot of sleep lately. And I mean do you really blame her? She has a lot going on with her health and with us. I can only imagine how she feels. I mean I'm hurt too. But I don't want her to leave me death wise cause of something I can fix with her. Amiyah must have smelled the food cause she got up and came down the stairs.

She sat at the high bar. I leaned over and kissed her.

"Good morning baby." Erik said to her as he turns back and go to the stove.

"Good morning baby. You got it smelling good in here."

"I know. I just thought I would set the mood for what is to come."

"What's to come?"

"Yes. Today is the day we make a decision. And I want to take this day to give you the answer." Erik said as he places the plates down.

He walked to the fridge and got their juice and placed it down. Sitting next to her he grabbed her hand and said grace. They finished and begin eating their food.

"What kind of decision have you made?" Amiyah asked him as she ate her breakfast.

"You will know in due time. Just eat your breakfast."

"I don't like this surprise stuff. What are you planning?"

"I haven't planned anything. Im showing you what it is gonna be."

Before Amiyah could ask anything else the doorbell rung.

"Expecting someone bae?" Amiyah asked.

"Hmm. No. I'm not this early." Erik said looking at his watch.

Walking to the door he opened it.

"Hey Victoria how are you?" Erik said giving her a hug.

"Hey Erik how are you? I know I'm early but I just wanted to come on and come."

"No problem. You want some breakfast?"

"Sure I'll take some."

"Come on in. Bae is at the high bar eating." Erik said closing the door and walking behind her.

"Hey bitch." Victoria said walking in with her arms wide open.

"Vicky!" Amiyah said jumping off the bar and giving her a big hug.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well it's all part of the decision. I am
Just a tad bit early. So Erik offered me some breakfast. And you know I ain't turning down no food." Vicky said sitting down.

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