New Stylist

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As I arrived at the salon I saw all these cars there. I was so excited about the business we was getting. All the seats was full and the coins was coming in like no other. Vicky rushes to me time I get in the shop.

"Bitch we got some good news."

"What is it?" I asked her.

"We got a new stylist that wants to come aboard with us." Vicky said excited.

"And who is that? You know I'm funny about all kinds of people working in my shop."

"First of all our shop. And come on. Meet me in the office. She's in there."

"Fine fine."

I followed her to the office and open the door. I closed it behind me and walked to my chair. And when I saw who it was I almost fell out.

"Omg are you serious right now?" Amiyah asked.

"As a heart attack." Vicky said.

Reaching her hand out to shake hers.

"Hello my name is Amiyah."

"No need for the introductions. I know who you are. The question is do you want to work with me?" Cherry asked.

"Hell yeah. No questions asked babes." Amiyah said smiling.

"Great. When do I start?"

"Hell you can right now." Vicky said.

"Awesome. Let me go to my car and get my things. Is that empty booth mine now?" She said pointing to the area through the window?

"Yes by all means take it."Amiyah said.

Cherry Beaufort

"How did you get her to work with us?" Amiyah asked Vicky

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"How did you get her to work with us?" Amiyah asked Vicky.

"I didn't. She came to me at the hair supply store. She said she heard about us from some guy."

"What guy?"

"Some big time lawyer. She said his partner told him to spread the word. So now we will be getting all that business girl."

Amiyah thought for a second. She knew that Erik was a big time lawyer. He made a call this morning and that could have been what he said he was doing.

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