Meeting the Parents

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The next morning hit and Amiyah was still in the bed. She rolled over and realized that Erik was not in bed. She opened her eyes and stretched. Sitting up on the side of the bed Amiyah went to the bathroom to take care of her hygiene and use the restroom.

As she brushed her teeth and washed her face she started the shower and removed her clothes. She carries a overnight bag so she had something to change in. After taking care of her hygiene and doing her makeup she got dressed. She placed her clothes in the bad she had on last night.

She walked out the bathroom and walked out the room. She walked in the kitchen and saw that breakfast was already cooked and on the table. Erik was putting the last little bit of touches on the table and looked at her and smiled.

Amiyah walked over and placed her bag down and walked to the kitchen table. Erik grabbed her around the waist and kissed her lips so softly.

"Good morning baby. How did you sleep?" Erik asked her.

"I slept well thanks for asking. And how did you sleep?" She asked back.

"I slept well. Knowing I woke up to this beautiful face I was most definitely alright. Come on sit. Let's eat breakfast before it gets cold." He said as he pulled the chair out for her.

They sat down and started eating breakfast. As they ate Erik cell phone started ringing. He looked at the caller ID and smiled. He answered with joy.

"Hey Dad what's up? What's the call for today?" Erik asked.

"Hey son. How are you? Me and your mama was sitting here talking and said we was gonna come over today and meet this woman you been talking about so." Alex said.

"Really Dad? I can't wait. Is Aaron coming too?" Erik asked.

"He sure is son. What will be a good time? We can throw some meat on the grill and have a good time. What you say?" Alex asked.

"Most definitely dad. This is gonna be exciting. I'll let everyone know here." Erik said.

"Great make sure you invite Darius and Amy. I would love to see those two. And Amanda and I will be there in about two hours." Alex said.

"Yes sir. See y'all soon." Erik said and hung up the phone.

"What was that all about bae?" Amiyah asked.

"That was my dad. He is coming today to meet you. Mom and Aaron are as well. He wants to have a bbq and get acquainted. Ain't that great bae?" Erik asked looking at her.

Amiyah didn't know how to take this. She was not ready to meet his parents. This was all too soon. She looked at him with a look on her face.

"What's wrong baby? Aren't you excited to meet my parents?" He asked her.

"Baby I'm not saying I don't want to meet them but don't you think it's too soon? We haven't really got into each other like that yet and you ready for me to meet your parents." Amiyah said.

"Babe I love you. And I don't care about none of that. I want you to meet my parents. I am gonna marry you one day. And this is a good way for our families to meet. As a matter of fact invite your family as well. I would love to meet your parents too." Erik spilled.

Amiyah eyes got big as ever. This most definitely couldn't happen. She didn't know how she was gonna do it but she had to get out of this some type of way.

"Umm babe I don't think that's a good idea. My parents are in Tampa and it takes them a little while to get here. I don't know what their plans are so I think we need to do this another time." Amiyah said.

"Babe it's the weekend. I'm sure they don't have anything plan. Just call them. My parents are coming from Orlando so they right there together. Please babe. Call them." Erik said.

"My parent are coming almost 7 hours. I don't know about that." Amiyah said.

"Babe you are wasting time. Please just call. You never know what they may say. My parents are coming just as far. They got 6 hours so please let's just call and find out." Erik said kissing her.

Amiyah pulls her phone out and called her mom. She answered after the second ring.

"Hey baby how are you?" Renee asked.

"I'm good mama. How is daddy doing?" Amiyah asked.

"We are good. I'm packing to come see you." Renee said excited.

"Is daddy coming with you?" Amiyah asked nervously.

"As a matter of fact he is. He had a change of heart for some reason. What's wrong?" Renee asked.

"Erik parents are coming for a bbq and wants to meet me and you guys." Amiyah explains to her mom.

"That will be great. Send us the address and we will come over. Is there anything we need to bring?" She asked.

"I don't know mama. Just bring you for now I guess." Amiyah said sarcastically.

"Ok baby. We will see you soon. I love you." Renee said.

"I love you too mama." Amiyah said as she hung up.

Erik looked at her and smiled.

"So is that a yes?" He asked her.

"It is a yes. I got to go home for a little and let A know as well. Is it ok if Vicki comes?" She asked him.

"Sure and she can invite her parents too." He said as he took the dishes up.

"Ok let me go handle some things check the shop and I'll be back in a little ok." Amiyah said.

"Ok baby. I'll be here. This is gonna be great. My little family is finally getting it together and coming together.

Amiyah gave him a kiss and grabbed her things and headed to the door. She unlocked her car and put her bags in and drove home. As he pulled up she saw that her brother car was there. She unlocked the door and walked in. She put her things down and knocked on his door.

"Come in sis." He yelled out.

Amiyah walked in and sat next to him on the bed.

"We got a problem bruh." She said.

"What is it? Is it that nigga cause I will whoop his ass." Aaron said.

"No no. Calm down. It's mama and daddy. They are on the way here for the weekend. Erik invited all of us to a cookout at his house to meet his family." Amiyah said.

"Ok what's the issues? Did you tell him what was up and he's mad?" Aaron asked.

"No that's just it. I didn't tell him and you know how daddy is. What am I gonna do?"

"Fuck! I specifically told your ass to tell him. This is not gonna be good sis ." Aaron said.

What will happen????

Will it come out????

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