The Next Day

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The sun was out and bright. I opened my eyes and stretched. I turned over to see that Erik was not in the bed. That's weird cause usually he tell me when he's leaving or at least wake me up. He didn't do either. I swung my legs on the side of the bed and looked around the room.

"Erik? Bae you here?" Amiyah called out as she looked around the room some more.

Standing up and walking to the bathroom she peeped her head in. He wasn't in the shower or the bathroom. She walked in and use the restroom and jumped in the shower. She did her face and got dressed. She walked downstairs thinking maybe Erik was fixing breakfast and was just waiting on her to come down. As she got downstairs there was no food going or done. And there was no Erik.

"What the hell? Where's Erik?" Amiyah said to herself.

Amiyah went to the counter and took her medication with some water. She sat at the high bar and ate a banana. She pulled her phone out and called Erik's phone. His phone went straight to voicemail. She was starting to get worried. She hung the phone up and called A.

The phone rung about 4 times before he answered it.

"This better be good calling me this time of morning sis." Aaron said in a groggy voice.

"Hey bruh I'm so sorry to wake you. But have you heard from Erik? Or seen him?" Amiyah asked worried.

"Nah not since yesterday. I was suppose to call him back but I had a little breezy over. Things got out of hand and that was totally out the window of calling him back." Aaron said chuckling after that.

"That's a story for later A. I need you to call Erik. His phone was going straight to voicemail." Amiyah said.

"Well if it's going to voicemail for you I'm sure it will for me too. But I'll call and see. Give me about 30 minutes. Let me get up and going and I'll call and hit you back." Aaron said to Amiyah.

"Ok call me back now." She said worried.

"I got you." Aaron said to his sister.

They hung up. Aaron rolled over and slid on his boxers. He walked to the bathroom and took care of his hygiene. He walked back in the room where the girl was laying in the bed naked. He sat next to her and kissed her forehead.

"Wake up sleepy head." Aaron said to her.

She stretched and smiled and looked at him.

"Good morning bae. What time is it?" Lexis said.

"It's about 8am. You hungry?" He asked her.

"Yes I am. You want me to cook us something?" Lexis asked Aaron.

"Damn you gonna cook for a nigga?" He asked her shocked.

"Yes I would. Let me freshen up and get dressed. I'll cook." She said kissing him on the lips and going to the bathroom.

Aaron smiled and went to the closet to get dressed. He picked out his fit and sat at this desk. He pulled his phone out to call Erik. The phone rung a few times and he answered.

"Hey wassup bruh?" Erik said on the phone.

"Aye man what's good?" Aaron asked.

"Nothing much. I'm out running a few early morning errands. Everything ok with you? How was your little date last night? Cause you sure called me back." Erik said laughing.

"Oh snap. Nigga she about to cook me breakfast. I think this is the one man. She's different." Aaron said.

"Just make sure you know everything about her. Don't rush." Erik said seriously.

"Wait nie don't do that. You know my sister didn't mean no harm with that shit. She was just scared. And speaking of which she's looking for you. She said she called you and it went straight to voicemail." Aaron said.

"Yeah I was sure she would. I got up about 5. I've been out since I got ready. I needed a break man. Your sister is about to drive me crazy. Asking the same questions and all that crying. I needed some alone time. Then she told me she would've not told me if she had to do it all over until later last night." Erik confessed to Aaron.

"Wait she said what? So if she had a do over she would have kept that from you still?" Aaron asked Erik.

"Basically. Do you know how that made me feel? That let me know how she really feels." Erik said getting angry all over again.

"Man come on. It can't be that. She loves the shit out of you. I think she is just scared cause you know their kind is not always welcomed you feel me." Aaron tried to explain.

"Yeah man. I hear you. But listen let me go. I got to run in this lawyer office." Erik said cutting his truck off.

"Lawyer?" Aaron asked.

"Yeah. I got some paperwork to sign." Erik said to him.

"Hmm. Well I guess I'll let you go. Call me after cause we ain't through talking." Aaron said.

They hung up the phone and Aaron called Amiyah. The phone didn't even ring a 1/2 of a ring before she was answering.

"Anything? Did you get him? Did he answer? Where is he?" Amiyah started asking back to back.

"Calm down damn. Let me answer one thing at a time. Yea it's something. I did get him. He did answer. He's about to sign some papers at the lawyer office." A said to all of her questions.

"Lawyer? What lawyer? And why didn't he answer me when I called?" Amiyah said sadly.

"He didn't say why and he said he just needed time to think. He has alot on his mind. Don't sweat it sis. I don't think he's going anywhere." Aaron said trying to cheer her up.

"But why didn't he answer me? I'm his wife. I deserve to know where he is." Amiyah said getting upset.

"Don't do that man. Calm down. We can't afford for you to be in the hospital again. Let me dig into it and I'll call you back on it." Aaron said.

Amiyah is getting worried!!!!

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