Hospital Part 2

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Laying in the bed worried about what will happen to me and Erik had me sick to my stomach. I should have just done what Vicky said and told him when I met him. That way I would have known how he felt about it. He may have still dated me or maybe not. But now I wouldn't be in this shit right now. Then the doctor said I had a light heart attack. Now that is some bullshit. I've always been in good shape and no health issues. This wedding and everyone knowing about me has put a strain on me for real.

Erik went to get my mom and A. I'm just ready to see them at this point. The door swung open and I saw my mama coming to my bed full forced.

"Oh my God. Baby." My mom said rushing to my bed.

"Are you ok honey?" Renee said to Amiyah as she sat next to her rubbing her head.

"I'm just dizzy right now but I'm ok mama." Amiyah said softly to her mom.

"Damn girl you gave us a scare. What did they say was wrong?" A asked Amiyah.

"The doctor said a light heart attack." Amiyah said.

"No no no. Not my baby. I'm staying that's it. I'm not leaving you. Nope." Renee said shaking her head no.

"Mama the doctor said only one person can stay and that's Erik. You gonna have to leave." Amiyah explains.

"I don't care what he say. I'm your mother and I said I'm staying." Renee said firmly.

"Mama that man is her husband. You don't have that say anymore. Now if he's willing to give you that then that's different." Aaron said to his mother.

"Give me that? GIVE ME THAT?" Renee said over and over.

"You heard the boy. Come on I'm ready to go." Blair said walking in.

"Why must you be so damn rude man fuck. Your daughter just had a heart attack and you being selfish." Aaron said looking at Blair.

"First of all I know you didn't not just cuss in front of me. And then I said what I said and meant what I said. Renee let's go." Blair said not taking his eye off Amiyah.

The machines started beeping and going crazy. The doctor came running in along with Erik. He walked over and looked at the machines.

"Look y'all have to leave. I can't have y'all upsetting my patients. Mr. Jones is the only one authorized to stay the rest of you need to leave now." The doctor said firm.

"I'm not leaving my baby" Renee said.

"I understand your concern but her next to kin is her husband. So you got to go ma'am." The doctor said not backing down from Renee.

"Erik please I can't leave my baby." Renee said.

Erik sighs.

"I know you want to stay with her mama. If you want me to go home and you stay I can." Erik said.

"No baby please. Mama I know you want to stay but I want my husband to stay. They have a room connected for families if you want to stay there but I want my husband by my side." Amiyah said.

"Well I don't care who it is but the rest of you got to go." The doctor burst in and said.

"Come on here Renee. He said what he wanted now let's go back to the motel. You can check back tomorrow before we go home." Blair said.

"Man you got to be kidding me. And yet you still being rude bruh. My mama coming back to my house. Fuck that. Let's go mama." Aaron said grabbing her hand and taking her out of the room.

"I'll call you sis." Aaron yelled back as he walked out with his mom.

Blair looked back at the bed and gave Amiyah a stare out this world. After a few seconds he walked out and closed the door. The doctor got her situated and gave her some meds to calm her down and he left out. Erik sat next to her and just looked at her. He didn't know what to say at this point. Their wedding day had been ruined. All types of secrets came out and then now this.

Amiyah looked at him and turned his way. As she laid on her side tears fell on the pillow. They looked at each other for a second before the silence was broke.

"Babe I never meant to hurt you. Honest. I wanted to tell you about all of this. I was just scared of loosing the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you with everything in me. Please don't let this ruin us." Amiyah said as she grabbed his hand.

The monitors started beeping a little and Erik kissed her hand.

"Calm down. We don't have to talk about this right now. It's not the time. Please just get some rest. I can't handle another episode like that." Erik said.

"Does this mean you aren't leaving me?" She asked again.

"Miyah we can talk about that later ok. Please just rest." Erik said putting his foot down.

Amiyah turns back on her back and looks at the ceiling. Tears ran down her cheeks as she laid there and tried to relax. The medicine that the doctor gave her was now kicking in. Her eyes started rolling in the back of head and eventually we fell asleep.  While she slept Erik took that time to go home and get clothes and showered. He came back she was still out of it. He put his clothes down and sat next to her.

He thought about the eventful day and just dazed off in the air. He didn't know what was gonna happen with her. He wasn't gay or into stuff like that but he loved Amiyah. Yes she is considered a transgender but he don't know if he can deal with the life.

Yes he had already been with her and it was a little too late for all of that but he was still unsure. But one thing he did know is that he loved her very much.

What will happen????

Will he leave or stay????

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