Are You Serious

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As they sat at the table and ate their dinner the room was silent. Nobody was saying anything. All you heard was the forks hitting the plates and them chewing and drinking. Amiyah looked at Erik as he ate. All she could think about was all the things that she had kept from him. She knew she was wrong. But she didn't want that to be the reason she don't keep her marriage. Erik looked up and saw her looking at him.

"What's wrong? Why you looking at me like that?" Erik said as he picked up his cup and sipped on his wine.

"Nothing. I was just thinking." Amiyah said low.

"About?" Erik said as he continued to eat.

I thought about all the things I kept from you." Amiyah confessed.

"Are you serious? You got to be joking me right now. I thought I just told you in the room to leave that shit alone Miyah." Erik said raising his voice a little.

Amiyah had never heard him like this before except when he was told about the truth. She didn't like this side of him.

"I'm sorry. I can't help it. I don't want to.." Amiyah said before she was cut off.

"I don't want to hear that shit Aight. I told you I was not going anywhere. You can't be stressed out and yet you are determined to keep asking and doing this same bullshit. Stop it! I mean it." Erik said putting his fork down and grabbing his food and walking away from the table.

Amiyah didn't know what to think? Tears filled her eyes as she sat there and watched Erik clean his stuff and walk to the living room. He sat in his chair and turned on the tv. Sipping his wine he looked at the game. Amiyah didn't feel like eating anymore so she cleaned her area and watched her dishes.

Wiping the table down she put the cleaning stuff up and walked to the living room area. She sat in her chair which was across from Erik's chair. She looked at him and then the tv. Erik never looked at her not even once. Amiyah felt herself bout to break so she got up to walk out the room.

Erik grabbed her when she got close enough to him.

"Where are you going Miyah?" Erik asked her looking up at her.

"I can't take this. I got to go." Amiyah said to him trying to pull her arm from him.

"You're not going anywhere. You're gonna stay right here while we deal with this. It's not about when you want to deal with a thing. It's when it's best for the both of us." Erik said pulling her into his lap.

Amiyah held her head down as she sat in his lap. She softly cried and looked away. Erik lifts her head and turned it to him.

"Stop crying baby. I told you I love you. And I'm not going no where. You got to have more faith in me than this. Now is this tough? Yea it is. Am I mad? Yea I am. Did this hurt our relationship? Yea it did. But I'm here. And that has to count for something. I was nothing but honest with you. And all I wanted was for you to be honest back. Is everyone against me being with you? Yes they are. Do their opinion matter? No it doesn't. So please stop this ok." Erik spilled out to her.

All Amiyah could do was sit there and look at him crying. She was trying to stop but the tears just wouldn't stop. Her breathing started getting heavier and heavier. Erik pulled her into him and started caressing her. She cried but she calmed down some. He pulled her back and looked at her when he felt she was calm enough.

"Stop crying baby. I love you. All this time we have invested is not a waste. Just give me time ok. I promise we will have this conversation. But right now is not the time to do that. I need you to get better. We don't need you back in the hospital. I don't want to loose you. You hear me?" Erik said as he eyes filled with tears.

Amiyah wipes the tears away as they fell.

"You're not gonna loose me baby. I'm here with you. That's why I wanted to know what we was. I can't live without you. I love you with everything  in me." Amiyah said to Erik as she caressed his face.

Erik stood up with Amiyah. He grabbed her hand and walked her to their bedroom. He closed the door and led her to the bed. He got on his side and she did the same. Erik pulled her into him as she laid on his chest. He ran his hands through her hair as they laid there and cuddled.

"Babe don't think for a minute that I don't love you. I love you I do. I just want things to go back to normal. When we was in nothing but love and happiness. You feel me?" Erik said to Amiyah.

"I do. That's what I want too. I know I didn't tell you about my sex change but I fell in love with you and wanted you to fall in love with the me that I was at the time we met. Not the old me. I really wasn't trying to deceive you in no way bae. You got to believe me." Amiyah confessed.

There was another silence in the room. Erik turns and faced Amiyah.

"If I would have asked you back then would you have told me you was a trans?" Erik asked her.

Amiyah looked at him with a puzzled look on her face. She didn't know how to answer that. Cause in her heart she knew she would've still waited to tell him. Maybe not as long as she did but not right off with all the judging and killing that had been going on.

"Would you have told me Amiyah?" Erik asked again.

Before she was able to respond Erik cell started ringing. He looked at it and ignored the call.

"Answer me. Would you have told me?" Erik asked again.

Tears ran down her face as she looked him in his face.

"Maybe not right off but I would have." Amiyah admits.

Erik looked at her and shook his head. He turned and laid back on his back and looked in the ceiling.

What will happen now???

What is he thinking????

She still would have kept the secret!!!!!

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