Aaron Arrived

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I got in my car and drove to Atlanta with my sister. My dad was really pissing me off. At this point I was ready to snap and come to blows with him. Don't get me wrong I love my dad but the way he treats my sister is not cool. I called Amiyah.


"Aye wassup sis. Send me your location."

"You here?" Amiyah asked getting happy.

"Yeah I'm here. I came down early."

"Well about to send it to you. Hold on."

Amiyah send the location to him and got back on the phone.

"Sent. How did it go with you leaving? Did dad say something to you?"

"He said something and then some."

"He called me. And it wasn't pleasant either."

"You ain't got to tell me. He practically denying me too now."

"Why tbough?" Amiyah asked.

"Cause I support you and defend you. He said I'm wrong for that. He even went as far to say that I was being defiant to him."

"You got to be kidding me?"

"I wish I was but I'm not. Him and mama was arguing real bad when I left out. I wish she would just leave his stupid ass you know." Aaron said.

"Well you know that's not gonna happen." Amiyah said.

"Yeah I know but anyway are you settled in?"

"Yeah I am. And check this A. I met someone."

"For real? Who is this nigga?"

"His name is Erik."

"Erik huh? Well does this Erik knows your brother is on the way? And that he does not play about his sister?" Aaron said trying to stay calm.

"Aaron don't start. He's nice and I don't need you running him away Aight."

"I'll determine that when I meet him. Did you tell him about your situation?"

Amiyah sighed and said "no I haven't told him yet."

"And why the hell not? I really don't want to fuck this dude up if he gets beside himself because of it."

"I will tell him if we get serious."

"Amiyah don't play with that shit for real. Everyone ain't so loving like me. And you dealing with another nigga. Someone that I will fuck up about my sister."

"Ok Aaron calm down. I'll see you when you get here ok."

"Aight Sis. And I want that nigga at your house so I can meet him properly."

"Fine. I'll see if he can make it."

"Aight. And don't see. Make that shit happen. I should be to you in the next 20 minutes." Aaron said.

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