Still At It

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Even after the deacon stopped the argument my daddy was still going at it. I swear this dude is a piece of work. And he calls himself a preacher. Yeah whatever. All I wanted to know was is if my mama was ok. I don't care about the drama my dad or his church members has going. All they are is judgmental people anyway. At this point he can tell the world what he wants about me. I don't give a damn. I just want my momma to be ok. The doctor walked in and looked around until she spotted us.

"Stoney family?" She said.

We all ran over to hear what she had say about mama.

"Yes that is us. What is going on with my wife?" My dad said with a little tremble of the voice.

"Hello. I'm Doctor Claire Mitchell. I worked on your wife from the car wreck. She is stable but not out the woods." She said to us.

"Wait. Out the woods? Are you saying my mama can die?" Aaron asked her cutting her off.

"I don't want to speak prematurely but she is stable. I will let you got back for few minutes but you can't stay long. We don't want to get her excited and have to put her under." She continues to say to us.

I couldn't think of life without my mama. I walked away from everyone and got in a corner. I sat down and put my hands in a praying position and said a prayer for my mama. I know many will say God won't hear me cause of my lifestyle but I don't care about that. My mom needs all prayers and I'm gonna give it to her. Aaron walked over and sat next to me and grabbed my hand.

"Dad went back to see her. We go after him." A said to Amiyah.

"How could this happen A? I can't loose mama. She's all I got." Amiyah said as tears fell down her cheeks.

"Hey cut that out. You got me. You got Erik. And mama is a fighter. She ain't going nowhere." Aaron said trying to console his sister.

"I know but I can't loose her. She helps me more than y'all know. I just can't A." Amiyah said looking her brother in the face.

"I know. And we just got to stay positive." Aaron said.

Erik walked over and sat next to Amiyah. He grabbed her other hand and kissed it.

"How you holding guys?" He asked them.

"We praying mom is going to be ok man. I just came over to let sis know as soon as daddy come out we going back to see her. You coming back with us?" Aaron asked Erik.

"If you want me to I will." He replied back.

"Most definitely. You about to be apart of this family and I consider you my bro." Aaron said.

"I really appreciate that. I love your sister and I do want to marry her one day." Erik said with a half smile on his face.

Amiyah looked at him and smiled back at him. Erik leaned in and kissed her softly on her lips.

"I love you baby." Erik said as he rubbed his hands across hers.

Amiyah heard what he said and she loves Erik too. But at this point all she could think about is her mom. She didn't know what she would do without her mom. She is one of her number one supporters. The way her dad treats her she knows if her mom didn't make it he would drag her all through the mud. After a while Blair came out.

Both Aaron and Amiyah jumped up and waited for him to walk over to them to give them the ok to go back and see their mom. As he walked over his face was all balled up. Aaron already knew he was about the bafoolery as he got closer.

"This is all y'all fault. If you would not have done what you did and you covered for him your mother would not be in this mess." Blair said as he yelled at them.

"Him? What do you mean him? There is only one boy here." Erik said confused.

"So you still haven't told this man what is going on I see." Blair said looking at Aaron and Amiyah.

"Dad this is not the time for your mess. Mom is fighting for her life and all you can do is start up shit." Aaron said getting in his face.

"I suggest you watch your mouth young man. I don't care about you being grown. I'm still your father and I deserve the respect just cause of that. And then on top of that I'm a pastor. And you will respect that too." Blair said pushing him.

"Man look. I ain't got time for your mess tonight. With all due respect you ain't even important right now. My mama is. So if you don't mind me and sis are going to pay Ma Dukes a visit." Aaron said walking pass their dad and going towards the door.

"Come on bae. Let's go." Amiyah said grabbing Eriks hand and walking behind her brother.

"Boy you are one stupid something I tell you. If you can't see what is going on you dumber than I thought you was." Blair yelled after them.

Amiyah closed the door as her dad was talking. Erik was looking at them still trying to figure out what he meant by his statement. He didn't know what was going on.

"Babe what did your father mean by that?" Erik asked as they walked to their mothers room.

"It's nothing. My dad is messy and would say and do anything  to get something started. My mama is the main concern here. So don't worry about that ok." Amiyah said as she continued to follow Aaron.

They walked in the room and saw all the tubes on their mom. All Amiyah could do is cry. Aaron tried fo hold it together but a few tears fell from his eyes too.

"Mama? What happened?" Amiyah said as she rubbed her hand.

That is sad!!!!

She is their rock!!!!

Comment and vote!!!!!

I will be doing a time fast forward next chapter. This book will end soon. 

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