A bucket of troubles......

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~~~~~Your POV~~~~~

"That's all I have to do?" "Yeah! Just act natural so you can get to know him better and then at the end of the week impress him with your talent thing! By the way, what are you doing for that?" "I kinda wanted to dance but I don't know if it will be good enough." "Gurl, you're one of the best dancers I know! You'll kill it on Friday." "Thanks Bray, I can always count on you to hype me up. I need to go practice now so I'll talk to you later." "Bye."

You hang up your phone and walk to the community center that's not too far from where you live. You enter and greet the receptionist they have there before walking back to the dance studio. It was early in the evening so no one was there, thankfully, and you start stretching out in front of the mirror wall. You had always wanted to take dance classes but your family never really had the money for it so you just watched videos and taught yourself. (This is me projecting.) You plug your phone into the little speaker you brought and try and find a song that you wouldn't mind dancing to in front of your class.

After about ten minutes you finally decide on a song. Dramarama by Monsta X. You liked watching the choreography videos of it so you think you had a pretty good handle on it. You practiced the moves first and then added the music. Your hair kept getting in your face but you did your best to ignore it and you thought that having it down while dancing just added another level of flair. You could flip it with enthusiasm and and use it to give personality to some of your moves.  After about an hour you felt pretty confident and decided to go back home. As you were walking down the hallway you hear voices. Familiar ones.

"And then he told me unless I was gonna bring him food to get out." "But you guys share a room." "That's what I was trying to tell him! He just told me to fuck off and leave him alone!" Yep, that was definitely Hobi and Jimin. You normally wouldn't mind seeing them but you had just become friends and you weren't interested in them seeing you all sweaty and worn out. At least, not at this point in your friendship. You quickly backtrack and go into the bathroom to hide until they go into the studio. You wait five minutes and pop your head out the door. All clear. You let out a breath and quickly leave the building.

~The rest of the week passes uneventfully until it is Friday. The boys could tell that you were getting nervous about it. You were jumpy in all of your shared classes and you were too nervous to eat lunch. Boy, did Jin give you an earful about that. It is now the last class of the day.~

"You can do this y/n!", you whisper to yourself. You intently watch everyone that goes and are surprised when the boys go up together. Did they seriously write a song just for this class?! Why do they have to be so talented? Not that you're complaining. They sound absolutely amazing together and it turns out that not only is Yoongi a rapper but so are Namjoon and Hobi. Who would have guessed? When they finish you clap for them and make a mental to ask them where all of that came from. Before you know it it's your turn and you have to wipe your hands on your pants before you get up. Why are they so sweaty?! Focus! The boys cheer for you and that makes you feel better and gives you the smallest bit of confidence.

You walk to the front of the classroom, prep your phone and speaker and quickly get into position before the first beat hits. And when it does you lose yourself in the music so you don't have to worry about anything. You can feel the sharpness of your moves, the way you push your hair back before a big part makes you feel hot for once. All to soon the music ends and your left panting in front of a silent classroom with a red face and slightly tangled hair. Mr. Lee is the first to speak.

"Y/n....I am very impressed with you. I never expected this out of such a quiet student but your performance was remarkable! You are a very talented young woman." He puts his hand on your shoulder and you are practically beaming at him. No one has ever talked to that way before and it made your stomach feel all floaty. Mr. Lee is amazing and you think you may have found the first guy you have a definite crush on. "Thank you Mr. Lee.",you say while blushing. You go back to your seat, put your glasses back on and try to slow your speeding heart.

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