You gasped softly, "Vincent

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You gasped softly, "Vincent...It's beautiful."

He smiled and a look of relief crossed his face. He tried to peel some dried paint off his hand, "Do you really like it?"

You nodded, mesmerized with the photo, "How did you think of it?"

He glanced from the painting to you, "I told you that you're my inspiration. It's supposed to be you...the light in a sea of darkness. There's a deeper meaning to it but I don't think it's very fair for me to tell you yet."

You furrowed your brow, "A deeper meaning?"

He nodded, "But that's for you to figure out at a later time."

You looked at him questioningly, but he just shrugged. Mr. Quinn came around the corner to look at Vincent's wall.

"You really outdid yourself this time." Mr. Quinn commented as he analyzed the wall.

"I had to. A certain someone was here." Vincent laughed as he glanced at you.

Mr. Quinn smiled and nodded, "It's great. I'd expect nothing less from the president."

You nodded in agreement, still looking at the painting.

You felt Vincent tense up and looked at him questioningly.

He only smiled and pulled you away from the building, towards the bus stop, "You said you can't be here too long right?"

You raised your eyebrows, "Yeah, but why are you-"

"Because this is one of the last buses running for the night. You're going to want to get on it." He said as he walked you towards the waiting bus.

"But you just-"

"It's fine. You saw what I wanted you to see and you came. That's enough for me." He smiled as he pushed you towards the bus doors.

"Vincent why-"

"Go (Y/n). I'll see you at school tomorrow." He cut you off and glanced behind him.

You hesitated, staring at him. He was acting odd for some reason.

He sighed, "Don't make me pick you up and put you on the bus myself."

You scoffed, "I'd like to see you try- Wait! What are you doing?!"

Suddenly you were over his shoulder and he was walking onto the bus.

"You said you wanted to see me try." He said with a grin as he set you down in a seat. You glared at him as he walked back down the aisle. He waved from outside as the bus slowly pulled away.


As soon as you were out of sight, Vincent scowled and turned to see Sean running down the path.

"Hey Vincent!" Sean said as he stopped in front of him, slightly out of breath. "Where's (Y/n)?"

Vincent glared at Sean before walking away, "She went home. She said she wanted nothing to do with you."

Sean's eyes widened, "Did she really?! Oh no...I messed up...I messed up really bad."

Vincent glanced over his shoulder, "What'd you do?"

Sean's fingers brushed his lips, "I kissed her...Oh why did I do it! She just looked so..."

"Adorable? Beautiful? Cute?" Vincent finished, his arms crossed.

"All of them! But...I didn't control myself and she hates me now." A frown came to his face.

"Yep." Vincent said curtly as he started walking away.

"Wait! Vince, you gotta help me." Sean pulled Vincent's jacket.

Vincent turned and smiled coldly, "Why would I help the competition?"

Sean's eyes widened before he scowled and let his hand drop to his side, "I swear...All of you are just a nuisance to her."

"Says the one who forced a kiss on her." Vincent snapped.

Sean's green eyes swirled with amusement as he smirked, "At least I got a kiss." He leaned forward slightly, his demeanor changing, "And that might've been her first."

Vincent's face filled with anger. "Why you-"

"Vincent! Come over and help Louis and Kai with their work!" Mr. Quinn called out from the other side of the building.

Sean smiled and turned away. He waved as he walked back down the path, "You better go. Don't want to keep him waiting."

Vincent cursed under his breath as he made his way back to Mr. Quinn.


You shoved the door to your house open and immediately froze. Your dad stood in the entryway, his arms crossed and his face stern. His eyes bore into you. 

"Dad I-"

"Don't say a word. You didn't text. You didn't call. I thought you got kidnapped (Y/n)." He growled as he pulled you into the house and slammed the door shut.

You winced slightly and looked at the floor, "Dad. I'm sorry I was just-"

"I don't want to hear it. You were somewhere other than this house and that's unacceptable. Why was I given such a stupid daughter." He massaged his temples. "I'm in the middle of a case, trying to find information and then I notice you aren't home. My stress increases and I think I have to take money out of the bank to go save you..."

You shifted on your feet, "I'm-"

"And you should feel lucky that I was going to even bother saving you, you ungrateful brat. You just waltz around doing whatever you please. You have no regard for my rules or my wellbeing. I'm tired of it (Y/n)."

Anger welled inside you as you glared at him, "What do you mean!? I always listen to your rules. I always take care of both of us because you can't remember to eat half the time. The only thing you do is create more rules and hide in your room with your work. I need a dad not a roommate! You make things so difficult for me!"

"Young lady I suggest you-"

"No!" Your voice was nearing hysteric. "No, I won't stop talking because this is what I've felt my entire life. You won't tell me who my mom is, you won't tell me anything about my family. The only thing you ever tell me is 'pack your stuff we're going to a different country.' Not once have you thought about what affects me. It's always been what's best for you. It's always for you!" Tears pricked your eyes and you blinked to try to clear them.

Your dad stood in front of you angrily. "Young lady...go to your room. I'm not having this conversation right now."

"You don't have conversations with me to begin with!" You yelled as you turned and ran up the stairs.

Throwing your door open, you slammed it shut and ran to your bed. You gripped your pillow and buried your face in it, letting the tears flow out.

A/N: Vincents drawing brought to you by my drawing app and unhealthy sleep schedule. A bunch of things are in place now...Let the games begin. 

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