Part 2) Chapter Thirty-Two

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Silena nodded, still keeping her face on me, as if she was trying to see how much I changed since the last time she saw me, which was three days ago.

"I did," Silena put bluntly. "But it feels like forever!"

"By the way," Percy brought up, "why did you guys have to hold Silena back?" His eyes flickered from Jason to Leo.

"Well," Leo started, "Silena was looking all over the galaxy for you guys, and when we finally found you guys, you were all having this lovey-dovey moment and staring into each other's eyes like a love-sick puppy." This was when Percy and I raised an eyebrow at Leo's interesting explanation.

"Of course," Leo continued, "Silena didn't care. She just wanted to give you," he pointed at me, "one of her football tackles. I mean, seriously! Silena should not be a cheerleader. She should've joined football." Silena punched his arm in a playful manner.

Leo laughed. "I'm serious, Silena! But anyway, back to my point, Jason and I had to hold her back so we wouldn't be absolute cock-blocks! Because friends definitely don't want to be cock-blocks, that'd suck. So, we were holding Silena back for maybe two minutes when you guys starting going at it! We thought you guys would stop in a minute a so, but apparently you guys have an infinite amount of air supply in your lungs, because you guys never stopped! School was probably going to start soon, so I stopped you guys so we wouldn't be holding Silena back in vain. And let me tell you, she is a chica fuerte!"

I silently laughed at Leo's amusing explanation. Leo always had a way to make things humorous.


I raised an eyebrow at the person who caught my attention, which was Silena.

"Yeah?" I asked.

Silena smirked, which was something that I had never seen Silena do before in my life. "What is that on your neck?"

Realization dawned on me as I quickly realized what Silena was talking about, and I tried to suppress the blush that threatened to show itself to the world from my face.

Leo, Jason, and Percy all turned toward me to see what she was talking about. But, it didn't take very long for Percy to realize what it was because his eyes widened and his cheeks turned a light pink color once he turned around and had a glimpse at my neck.

"Damn, Nico!" Leo exclaimed. "Is that a hickey I see?" he feigned ignorance as he slowly turned around to stare at Percy. "I wonder who did that." His voice dripped with heavy sarcasm.

Even Jason couldn't help but smile in amusement. "So, when did this happen? After Nico's birthday party on Friday?"

I sighed exasperatedly, shoving my fists deep into my jean pockets. "I'll tell you guys during lunch so I won't have to repeat this horribly embarrassing explanation."

Jason nodded, a smile still playing on his lips. "Fair enough."

"Dude, Percy! Up top, man!" Leo gave Percy a high-five that sounded extremely painful. "You finally gave him the D!"

Percy laughed at Leo's statements, but I could only stare in shock. Was Leo always like that, or what it just me?

I rolled my eyes and clenched my teeth. "You guys all suck."

"Actually, mi amigo mejor, you suck," Leo corrected as he tried to contain his laughter. His eyes flickered over to Silena, who was standing in front of me. "Oh, and how could I forget Silena? Silena sucks too, and a lot of it I suppose. I mean, I've never actually asked Beckendorf, but I guess I could try."

Silena blushed a deep shade of red. "Leo!" she screeched, but all Leo could so was laugh at her reaction as she huffed in exasperation and embarrassment.

I sighed. "I'm just going to go to my locker, okay? I'll see you all at lunch."

"See you later, Nico!" Silena said, the blush on her face disappearing.

"Yeah, see you at lunch! I can't wait to hear your explanation!" Leo laughed as he said, "It better be juicy like Percy's--"

Jason shut Leo's mouth with his hand. "Why can't you just say 'goodbye' to him like a normal person?"

Leo slapped Jason's hand away. "Because I'm bad boy supreme, and bad boys never follow the rules!"

Jason rolled his eyes. "What weird principles you have," Jason muttered.

I smiled at the sight before turning away and starting off toward my locker, until I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders. I glanced up as sure enough, it was Percy Jackson.

Percy smiled. "Mind if I come?"

I shook my head. "Not at all. Come if you want."

Percy chuckled. "Don't mind if I do."

He planted a kiss on the top of my head as we made our way deeper into the school toward my locker.

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