You winced, "Thanks Lay."

"I meant that with all of my love for you. I just...Can't you ask the headmaster to transfer you back."

You scowled as you sat down at one of the tables in the far corner of the room, "I already tried. He cares more about pleasing his child than making the right calls."

She furrowed her brow, "I'll be right back. I'll get us both lunch." She disappeared into the line of people.

You groaned and rested your head on the table. Talking to Layken had made you feel slightly better, but it didn't fix anything. You were still stuck in the top class until you could come up with a plan.

A few minutes later Layken sat down across from you and pushed something your way. It was a single sandwich and a can of soda.

She smiled, "Sorry, that was all they had."

You shook your head, "No its fine. Thanks for buying my lunch."

She unwrapped her sandwich and laughed, "Now we're even since you bought my lunch a few months ago."

You smiled and started eating the food.

"So how are you going to get your old schedule back?" Layken asked between mouthfuls of food.

You paused and thought for a moment, "I'm going to try to talk to my dad and see if there's anything he can do, but if he can't...then I have no clue."

She nodded slowly, "I really hope he can. I can't handle class without you."

You let out a small laugh, "Me either. I'd die in the top class."

"I can't believe you're skipping. Good on you though. You're showing Mason that he doesn't have control over you." She lifted a fist into the air.

You started laughing again, "You're right. Mason Northview-"

You heard the cafeteria doors open and the entire room immediately went silent.

The girls at the table across from you started whispering.

"I thought his lunch period was later!"

"Is something scheduled here for him?"

Layken glanced at the cafeteria doors and her face paled. You slowly followed her gaze as well and panic and anger shot through you.

"Mason Northview." You whispered as you quickly looked away.

"A girls walking up to him." Layken whispered as she positioned herself in front of you so that you would be blocked from his gaze.

"Uh Mason? What are you doing here?" You heard a girl ask and you held your breath, waiting for his response.

He hummed for a few seconds, "I'm looking for someone special who's skipping class."

"Who are you looking for. We might be able to help you." Another girl piped up.

You could see Layken tense up.

"(Y/n) (L/n). Do you know where she is?"

You let out a string of curses silently as you looked down at the table.

"(Y/n) (L/n)? Why are you worried about her? She's in the lower classes."

"She got transferred to the top class but hasn't shown up, so I'm making sure she isn't lost" Mason's tone seemed sweet and genuine, but you knew he wasn't being kind. 

"Transferred?" Someone asked

"(L/n) got transferred?" Another person whispered

You balled your hands into fists and glanced at him. He had a wide grin on his face as he scanned the crowd, obviously looking for you.

"What do you want to do?" Layken murmured.

"I'm not sure. I didn't think he'd hunt me down like this." You whispered.

"Hey isn't that (Y/n)?" One of the girls at the table across from you asked.

You froze. Layken heard it as well and grabbed your hand.

"Has anybody seen her?" Mason called out as he stepped farther into the room.

Not good...

"Mason she's-" The one girl started

"She's over there!" Layken pointed at the courtyard doors, "She went outside."

Mason glanced at the courtyard doors and smiled, "Thank you."

He disappeared into the courtyard and you sighed in relief.

"Thank you Layken." You whispered as you slowly stood up.

"No problem." She stood up with you.

"That is (Y/n)! Why did you lie to Mason?!" The one girl exclaimed as she stared at Layken.

"Because (Y/n) doesn't want to be near him." Layken shot back and guided you towards the doors.

You could feel dozens of eyes watch you as you passed tables and reached the exit.

"What now?" You mumbled as the doors shut behind the two of you.

"Maybe you should just go home for today." She offered as the two of you started walking down the hall.

"I can't. I promised Vincent I'd go to his art club thing later, plus you asked me to help you get ready for your date."

Her face lit up, "I forgot about that!"

You laughed, "Yeah, well, I can't go back home if I'm going to your dorm later."

"Then what are you gonna do until the end of the school day?" She asked.

"I'll probably just avoid him and hide somewhere."

"Who are you going to avoid?" A voice inquired.

A/N: The one bad thing about writing at 11:30 is getting random waves of tiredness and not being able to write two full updates. :(

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