You laughed, "If you're trying to guilt me, it's not going to work."

He smiled, "Who said I was guilting you?"

"You insinuated it."

It was his turn to laugh.

"Hey (Y/n)." A voice said and you glanced over to see Vincent sit down beside Sean.

"Oh, hey." You shifted in your seat and glanced at the path. What was taking Layken so long?

Sean shot Vincent and annoyed glance but smiled as you looked back at them.

"So are you going to go get food or-"


You turned to see Layken coming down the path towards you, smiling.

"Hey Layken." You waved her over and she sat down next to you. Almost immediately, her face went red and she stared down at the table. She already seemed nervous to be around the guys. You nudged her gently and gave Vincent and Sean a small smile.

"Um...H-Hello!" Layken exclaimed, still staring at the table, "M-My name is Layken and-"

You lifted her face up so that she was actually talking to people, but her eyes went wide. She glanced at you.

"I can't do this!" She whispered.

"Yes, you can. Just take deep breaths." You gave her shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

She took a deep breath and looked at the boys, "H-Hi...I'm r-really sorry-"

"(Y/n)!" Elijah called as he waved. Xander trailed behind him.

Layken looked at them, her face becoming more red. She stood up.

"Layken?" You grabbed her arm.

"Can we talk for a moment?" She whispered. You glanced at the boys who were all giving you a questioning look.

"I'll be right back." You said as she practically dragged you away from them. She pulled you around the other side of the tree.

"I can't do it! They're so beautiful and I'm so not. I feel so stupid!" She shook your shoulders.

You removed her grip, "Layken. You are so pretty, so don't even start with that. I totally believe in you. They aren't that beautiful, okay?"

Her mouth dropped, "Have you looked at them?!" She pulled you over and the two of you leaned around the tree.

The four boys seemed to be talking heatedly with each other.

You furrowed your brow, "I'm not seeing anything."

She sighed annoyedly, "Actually look. (Y/n)."

You rolled your eyes but focused on them. You narrowed your eyes, seeing the slight appeal. They all filled out the white and black school uniforms nicely, and each one seemed to have an air of kindness around them. Their faces were all different, but each one was...beautiful. Maybe it wasn't that hard to see...

You scowled, "Okay, maybe I see it now."

"See!?" She cried as she sank against the tree trunk, "It's hopeless!"

You knelt down next to her, "It is not. I'm cupid, remember? I'll get one of them for you." You gave her an enthusiastic smile.

"You mean it?" She asked, her eyes filled with apprehension.

You nodded. "Yup!"


"Why can't you go away! I was the one who asked her to each lunch with me." Sean growled as Elijah and Xander sat down.

Advanced Plans (Yandere Boys x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now