Chapter 43

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Have you ever loved something so much that parting with it would just tear you apart? Well, that is exactly how I am currently feeling right now. I look at him in her arms, her smile and laugh should make me feel secure, knowing that he is in good hands, but it doesn't. 

My eyes narrow at her, knowing that he is no longer mine. Stupid..."What are you doing?"...magic. 

I jump at the sudden voice behind me. Jungkook hops over the couch and sits next to me, wrapping his arm around me. "What are you talking about? I am just watching Chinsun play with Ali, that's all." He chuckles. 

"Are you sure that there is nothing you can do to keep Ali?" He asks me as I lay my head on his shoulder. He hugs me closer to him. I let out a deep sigh.

"If only. Magic is not that simple. Magic comes with a price that no one knows."

"Don't worry, Chinsun will take good care of him." I nod at his words, shifting my self off of him. I hope she does. 

"So, when are you starting school?" I ask him, changing the subject. He slumps back into the couch. 

"Really? Must we talk about school? I am already mentally exhausted thinking about it. I don't want to face the students again. They are just going to bully me." I think back to the day that I went to Jungkook's school and heard the students call him names while he dragged me out. 

"Don't think about them, instead let your mind be filled with thoughts of graduating. Then college will be right around the corner." I try to encourage him. I hate seeing him look so petrified when he should be enjoying his last year instead. 

"I know, but knowing that I am going to have to face them in a week is too much for me to handle."

I place my hand on his shoulder, "Don't worry, you're not alone. And if you need help, I'll be there for you. You still have the ring I gave you right?" He raises his hand to show me the ring on his middle finger. 

"Yup, I always do." I can't help but smile at him with the joy I feel. 

I then cross my arms and blink my eyes. Not even a second later, I add another purpose to the ring. 

"Okay, now the ring is brand new."

"What did you do?"

"I gave you a wish."

"Wait, what?" I get off the couch and start making lunch. 

"A wish. The ring will be able to grant you one wish. So use it wisely." I tell him without looking at him. He doesn't say anything, making wonder if he went back to the living room. Before I can turn around two arms wrap themselves around my body. 

Jungkook rests his head on my neck. "Thank you, for everything." He whispers into my ear. 

"Jungkook, you don't have to thank me."

"No, I do. You have done so much for me and Chinsun. You have become irreplaceable. I can't imagine life without you." Those words fall out of his mouth so easily but are so hard to hear. 

How much can I continue to fool myself into thinking that this story will be a happy one? At the end of the day, it will have the same ending as Liam. Soon, with one more word, one more wish, and I am gone. How can one love story break so easily? 

I smile to myself, not thinking about the consequences that will happen because of our rebellion. Genie and humans are never meant to be together. 

Wishing For A Genie |J.JK X Reader|Where stories live. Discover now