Chapter 41

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Jungkook's POV

"I can't believe I even did that." 

"Oh come on buddy, she is gone and she won't be coming back anytime soon."

Changkyun and I just lay on his bed in the opposite direction of each other. We stare at his ceiling just contemplating life. 

"Do you really believe I did the right thing? I mean-"

"Jungkook, either way, the deed is done. Just have confidence now." Changkyun scolds me. I just can't get the feeling of guilt in me. 

"You don't think I went too far? The look on her face, I mean, she looked crushed." Images of her face imprints into my mind. 

"Jungkook, just apologize to her. Once you know that Eris is not coming back-"

"She isn't. I made sure of it."


I can't believe I just said those words to her. She will never forgive me now, will she? Damn, did I mess up?

"Jungkook?" I look up, my heart leaps at the thought of Y/N, only to be let down by Eris. I only glare at her. She takes a seat right in front of me. "I never thought you had it in you."

"What do you mean?" I question her. My voice coming out deep.

"Those words you threw at her just now, you must have been holding in your true feelings for a while now, haven't you? I mean, I can help you get over her and clear your mind if you want?" She says in a sensual tone. 

I lean in and smirk at her. "You would help me with my turmoil?" She smirks and hums in response. Her eyes scanning my face. "You would do anything?" She licks her lips, the wheels in her brain turning as she begins to speculate what my words mean.

"Of course. Anything for a boy in need." I internally roll my eyes at her. 

"I have a question, what was your purpose coming here? What were you hoping to achieve?"  Holding back my anger of her presence, I try to get answers from her.

"Haven't you been listening? My only goal in life is to torment Y/N."

"You rather hurt her for fun?" I raise my eyebrow. 

She chuckles at my question. "Curious are we now? I thought you didn't care about her after she had lied to you. Though her lie wasn't huge in my opinion, I mean she still did lie to the person who cared for her and loves her with all his heart." She taunts me.

I stand up and slam my hand on the table. "Do I look happy to have Y/N here? Unlike you, she has to be because she is Chinsun's Master. You, on the other hand, have no other reason to be here. So my question is, what the hell is keeping you here?" I glare at her as I lean in closer to her. 

"Why would I leave? I feel like staying and having a bit more fun."

"You already separated me and Y/N with the truth. I think you did what you came here for. So I suggest you get and disappear for good from my life. As a person who has envy for another being having a purpose, you really like to linger and watch that person live out their life."

Anger fills her face. She stands up and lets out a huff. She forces a fake smile. "You're right, I guess I'll go and take my leave then. It is not like I wanted to be here anyway." I win. 

She then vanishes from my sight leaving me alone in the kitchen. Y/N, how am I going to make this up to you? Will you ever forgive me?

˜"*°•.˜"*°• Oasis •°*"˜.•°*"˜

Wishing For A Genie |J.JK X Reader|Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα