Chapter 8

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We are now back at home. I place my bottle onto the coffee table in the living room. I look at it. It is my beautiful home. My thoughts bring me back to Jungkook's words. 'It looks like a hookah.' I glare at my bottle. My precious home does not look like that wretched device.

After looking at it for a while, I begin to realize that Jungkook said that his parents would have those devices around their homes

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After looking at it for a while, I begin to realize that Jungkook said that his parents would have those devices around their homes. Sadness fills me. If he had to see those often and think my bottle reminds him of his parents then maybe I should change the shape. I let out a sigh. I guess I will remodel my home. 

I cross my arms and blink my eyes. My bottle is consumed by a purple mist and when the mist vanishes my bottle is transformed into a lamp. After this master, I am going to change you back okay. I tell my lamp as I hold it in my hands. 

I take my lamp and head to Chinsun's room

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I take my lamp and head to Chinsun's room. It is now night and Jungkook and Chinsun are asleep. I stop in front of Jungkook's room and open his door. I see him sleeping. He does have school tomorrow so maybe I should stay here? I can be his alarm. I smile at that thought. I place my lamp on the bed stand next to his bed and smile at him. "Goodnight," I whisper. I then transport into my new lamp. 







I wake up and stretch in my bed. I am back into my genie outfit. I smile and look at myself in the mirror. I change the color to pink and head out of my lamp. I look at the clock and see 6:30 A.M. Time to wake him up. I look over to him shout his name. "JUNGKOOK, WAKE UP," I shout. 

He jolts up. "What is happening? Why are you shouting at me?" His messy hair and confused face cause me to laugh. 

"You have school today so I need you to get ready and come downstairs, breakfast is ready." I snap my finger and the delicious aroma fills the small apartment. "I'm going to check up with Chinsun and change her." I leave a confused Jungkook alone in his room. 

I pick Chinsun up and she begins to wake up. I start changing her. Thank Genies she only peed. I hear the shower turn on and assume Jungkook is showering. After I change Chinsun, I put warm clothing onto her. "Say, I wish. Say, I wish." I try to get her to learn words. She just looks at me and giggles. I let out a sigh and summon a bottle with milk in it to feed her. 

Once she finishes, I begin to burp her. "Look at this. If the genies could see me now they would be amazed by my skills. Just then, she throws up on me. She cries and I pull her off of me. I hold her arm's length and look at her vomit on my shoulder. 

"Master, why? What have I done to you?" I cry out. I place her in her crib and clean her face. I then put a pacifier in her mouth and head to the bathroom. As I head to the bathroom, I forget about Jungkook. I open the door and there I see a half-naked guy with a towel wrapped around his waist. 

"Ahhhhh," Jungkook screams with me. Our faces turn red as I slam the door close. "Sorry!" I shout to him as I run downstairs. I head to the half bathroom and turn on the sink. I look at myself in the mirror above the sink and see my cheeks turn red. "How could I forget?" I scold myself. 

I grab a rag and wet it. I clean my shoulder and rinse the rag. I take the rag into the laundry room and leave it there. I walk into the kitchen and see Jungkook already eating. How long did I take in the bathroom? He looks up from the table and sees me. His face instantly turns red and we both look away. 

I clear my throat. "Um, sorry about that. I forgot you were showering." I inform him. I don't want him to think I am a peeping Tom. I met peeping Tom back in the eleventh century in England. Poor Lady Godiva.

"It's fine. Oh, um, what is this?" I look over to him and see him put my lamp on the dining table. 

My eyes widen as I pick it up. "Oh, this is my lamp. You said that my bottle looked like a hookah, even though it has too much class for that, and well, you also said that your parents would have that lying around the house so I thought I should change my bottle into something that wouldn't remind you of your past." I confess to him as I sit in front of him and examine my lamp. 

It is quiet for a bit before Jungkook spoke up. "You did that for me? Thank you." I look up at him and I could see happiness in his eyes. This causes me to smile and feel good about me.

"Well, your welcome. Now, you should start heading to school." I tell him as I head to the living room to put my lamp on the coffee table. 

"Do I have to go?" He whines. He places he plate in the sink and rushes over to me. 

"Yes, you need education. Don't worry, you have the ring I gave you right?" He raises his hand to show me. 

"Always." This causes me to smile. I grab his hand and place it between my two hands. I close my eyes and when I open them I look up at his face. I let go and he looks at his ring.

"What did you do?" He questions. "It still looks the same."

"When you need me, just call me with all of your heart. It's like a wish. If you wish for me to come with all your heart then I will be there in the blink of an eye."

He then hugs me. I am taken back but return the hug. "Thank you for this." I couldn't help but feel happy with being this close to him. Please, I don't want this to happen, again.

A/N: Did you like it? I hope you did. Well, I hope you have a marvelous week!!!

Also I saw Burn The Stage in theaters🔥🔥🔥🔥 It was AMAZING

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