Chapter 16

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I am starting to get used to living in the mortal world. I have become friends with all of Jungkook's friends, which is only 3 people. I really am enjoying my time here. A part of me doesn't want to leave, but the reality is, I am only here to serve my purpose. 

6 months have passed since I have been here and Chinsun is almost 1 year old and Jungkook turned 17 a 5 months ago. He didn't tell me until 2 weeks later. 

Jungkook is currently at school. He said that he is about to finish this school year off in a month. Its been half a year since I have been here and a part of me is actually glad that Chinsun hasn't learned to talk. I am scared to leave this place and never come back. I was hoping this would never happen, but I believe that the exact feelings I once held for Liam many years ago are coming back, but this time for Jungkook. 

I lay on the couch as Master plays in her playpen. "How could I let this happen? First Liam and now this? I need to control my emotions. I won't be here forever." I sulk at the thought of not being with this small family that I have established myself with. 

"Master, will you forget me?" I ponder out loud as Chinsun just laughs while playing. I laugh at my own stupid question. "Of course you will. I will be nothing to you once I leave. Both of you will probably forget me and move on with your lives."

I hate how attached I am getting with them. I can't believe that I haven't learned from my past relationship with Liam. I remember how kind he was with me and loving. He took care of me in Spain and never took advantage of me. 

He was the first person I fell in love with. We were always together and his wishes were for the well beings of other people. I remember him once telling me that he wanted to free me from being a Genie, but in the end, he couldn't. His sister fell ill and was going to die. He saved her through me. I spent the last 5 hour I had left, before disappearing, with him.

It was hard for both of us, but it was the duty of a Genie. I am bound to the laws of a Genie and forever will be. Maybe it is best this way. 

I sit up from the couch and look at my Master. She fell asleep. I can't blame her, it's boring here without anything to do. I don't know Korea well still so it's not like I can go along with Master by ourselves. 

"Man, what do I do today?" I walk around the house and ponder. I really hate this, perhaps I should just meditate until Jungkook comes back. I walk upstairs and grab my lamp from his room. In a snap of a finger, I enter my lamp. 

"You're the only reminder of my mission." I let out a sigh and grab a carpet. It has an old Arabic feel to it. I then leave my lamp and walk downstairs. I look at the clock on the wall that has a figure of Mickey Mouse and see that we have a few hours till Jungkook comes. 

With a snap of a figure, I make the coffee table disappear and lay my carpet on the floor. On each corner of the carpet, I magical place 4 candles. I head to Chinsun who is now napping and grab her. The playpen is placed at the corner of the living room. 

She slowly wakes up. "We are going to meditate." She looks at me with her dark brown eyes, not knowing what I mean. I just give her a soft smile. As I walk to the carpet, I change into my Genie uniform in the blink of an eye. I sit on the blanket and cross my legs. I set Master on my lap in a sitting position and began meditating. 

Everything around me shuts off and my mind goes to a peaceful place. No problems nor people around. I look around and see myself in the middle of a meadow. The grass rose up till my knees and all I could do was kneel down feel the breeze brush through my hair and feel the grass sway. I am in peace.

A/N: Thank you for reading!!!! I hope you guys had a wonderful start of the New Year🎆 I also want to say Happy Birthday to BLACKPINK's Jisoo❤🖤 and iKON's DK💙💙 since I didn't get a chance to post this earlier. (even tho I already had this chapter done on their birthday)

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