Chapter 37

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I watch as Jungkook runs up the stairs and leave into his room. I take Chinsun out of the stroller and let her slowly try to walk to her toys on the floor. She falls a few times but keeps getting up and trying. I smile at the young master persevering through her failures.

I follow Master to the living room when something catches my eyes. I look at a green smoke fill one of the seats. I realize that it is none other than my sister. Once her whole appearance is visible I quickly grab Master. Master squirms in my arm to let her down, but I don't obey. 

"Y/N, oh how I missed you today. After that little stunt you pulled earlier, it really pissed me off, but don't worry, I let out all my steam. Then as I decided to come back so you wouldn't miss me and look at what I found." She lays out her hand in front of her and there appears Ali in stuffed animal form.

"W-what? Where did you get him? Give him back!" She just chuckles at me and with those claws of hers, she squeezes Ali in his face. Her nails trying to rip through his fabric. My heart breaks at seeing Ali in this state. We have such a strong connection which causes me to feel that he is in pain. 

"S-s-stop, please. Give him back to me." Panick arrises in me. Something evil glimmers across her eyes. I can sense something dark around her causing shivers to go down my spine.

I didn't realize that Jungkook came running down when he heard my screams until he speaks from behind me. 

"Y/N, what is going on?" He says in a scared tone. 

I look back at him and before I can say anything, Eris beats me to it. 

"Look who decided to show up. The lonely boy who just wanted to be. Let me tell you something, you will never be who you dearly want to become." She chuckles for a bit. What does she mean by that? "And you know why?" 

I look over at Jungkook and see his eyes widen as if he knows exactly what she means by her cryptic words. His lips tremble, not letting him speak. She just laughs at his reaction. 

"Because you will never be loved by the one you love. You will remain a lonely boy who can't do anything right." That broke me. She is taking this too far. 

"Shut up Eris. This is between me and you so leave Jungkook out of this." I glare at her and hand the young Master to Jungkook. He takes her, but the sadness never leaves his face. I look back at Eris and see a smirk on her face. She is really enjoying all of this. 

"You know, mom and dad never gave me anything like this when they were still alive. YOU always got everything. I was the one who wanted this stuffed animal, not you. But just because you became a Genie they decided that you would be the best candidate for Ali." I tried to listen to what she was saying, but her nails began to crawl dangerously down to Ali's neck. If Ali is hurt in this form then he is also hurt in his actual form. "But now that I look at this thing, I begin to realize that this God-forsaken toy is just utterly useless." 

She takes one of those nails of her's and traces Ali's neck. My eyes widen in horror. She wouldn't. Would she?

"STOP! PLEASE!" I don't realize my tears falling until I hear her laughter. 

"You really care about this thing. So if I did this-" She digs her nail into his arm and then pulls it back out. Cotton falling onto the ground. "Oops. My bad." 

"WHY!?" I can feel his pain. My heart breaks more. I fall onto my knees and look up at her. 

"Y/N?! Don't succumb to her." I hear Jungkook yell at me, but I ignore him. She laughs at my state. 

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