Chapter 18

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Jungkook and I stand in front of the park's entrance. "Changkyun gave me money to pay for our tickets. We should thank him later." I nod at his words. I give him a soft smile. 

"let's get going. I've never been to one of these." I admit. I then rush in line. "Am I doing it right?" I shout at him causing a few people to look at me, but I don't care. He laughs while looking at me in disbelief. 

"You're doing great." He shouts back as he makes his way from the parking lot to the line. 

I can't contain my excitement as I look around to see family, friends, and couples gathered around in line to go in. I look at Jungkook with the excitement in my eyes. "I appreciate you coming with me. I'm happy that we can do this." His cheeks become a rosy pink as he smiles back. 

"No problem lets keep moving." 

We get inside and seeing the crowd of people and the smell of mixed food hitting my nose. All the colors everywhere bring joy to me. I face Jungkook and pull on his arm. "Can we go over there?" I point towards a food stand.

He gives me a smile and nods. "Of course." We make our way over and I begin to look at the menu. "Choose whatever you want. Changkyun gave us loads of money to pay for all of this." I feel the child in me become giddy and began choosing what I want. 

We walk around the park as we eat our food. I got a snack called funnel cake while Jungkook got something called cheese fries with bacon. It looks strange to me. Who would combine that together? 

"This is really good! I am surprised at how excellent food has evolved." I say while stuffing my face. Jungkook just looks at me and laughs. 

We walk around until we are done eating. The view of the excited people makes me excited and brings comfort to me. I have never been around so many people since...well, since forever. 

"Come and get your face painted!" I turn my head to the right and see a woman in an apron with paint all over it yell out. I turn to face Jungkook who is on my left and tug on his arm. 

"Hey, let's get our face painted," I tell him. He looks at me then back at the lady. 

"But I have school tomorrow and I don't want to show up with paint stains still on my face." I roll my eyes. 

"First of all, I am here so if for some reason it doesn't come out I can magically clear your face. And second of all, I want to get it done." He lets out a sigh and nods his head. 

"I am doing this for you." He says. I smile and rush to the small little booth. I see the lady and tell her that I want to get one done. 

"Jungkook, you go first." He gives me a disbelief look. I try to give him my best puppy dog look. I guess it worked because he looks away quickly with a tint of pink evident on his face. My puppy dog look never fails me. 

"Okay, sir, what would you like?" The lady asks Jungkook who is sitting on the chair. 

"How about something fierce, like a tiger." He says. I look at him, but I see him more as a bunny. 

"But you look more like a bunny. Maybe you should do that." I tell him. He would be a cute bunny. 

"What? A bunny? I am nowhere near that. Take a good look at me. How can you compare me to something so cute when I am a fierce young lad?" The lady laughs at us debating. 

"I have a great idea for the two of you. Trust me, you will love it." Jungkook and I look at each other, hesitating to trust this stranger. "Now lets get started."

She begins drawing on the right side of his face. I look at her pallet and see a rainbow of colors and some sparkly paint. On her booth, she has pictures of face paintings she has done on a few people. They are really beautiful, she truly has a talent. I look around and see many rides. Some high and some low. Some fast and some slow. I look at back at Jungkook just to see that the lady is done. I am amazed at how great it looks. She painted a fish, from the tail starting from his eyes and the mouth ended up by his mouth. How cute. 

A/N: I really hope you guys enjoy this book!!! I have the whole storyline done and let me tell you, I am REALLY excited to publish them. I am Praying to get this book done within 2 week mainly because I will be on hiatus. I do truly hope you guys like this book!!!!

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