Chapter 24

482 24 4

Jungkook's POV

My last class before summer vacation starts. My teacher goes on and on about the importance of studying this summer so we won't fall behind. I look around my class and see some texting and others chatting. I can't wait to leave this place. 

I still can't believe that I cried in front of Y/N 3 days ago. Right after I cried I told her that I needed time alone. She left and soon after I fell asleep. I feel embarrassed yet I feel a sense of relief that I was able to tell her everything. 

The bell rings, thank God. "Okay class, don't forget what I said and have a great summer vacation."

No one really pays attention as they rush out. As I walk out I look over to my teacher and wish her a great summer vacation. 

I walk out the school building and make my way home. The other's didn't have classes today so they didn't have to come to school. Lucky idiots. I put my headphones in and begin walking home. 

I admire the beautiful scenery. I don't feel scared about my parents finding me and abusing me. No child should feel that way and if I can, I would like to help those kids, teens, just anyone in those situations. I look across the street and see a convenience store. 

It is hot, might as well get some strawberry milk and some snacks. I make my way to the store and buy the things I want. This is why you don't give me money, I'll spend it in one go for food. 

I make my way back home with food in my left hand and my milk in my right. I can't wait for this summer fun to start. 

This will be an unforgettable summer for sure. I walk down the sidewalk and through the neighboorhood. Some people are already packing their cars to leave for their summer vacation. I walk up the steps to my home and enter. 

"I'm home." I set my bag in the kitchen and throw away my empty drink. "Hello?" I walk upstairs since I hear no one. I check my room and no one. I set my bag down on my bed and enter Chinsun's room. No one. 

Where is everyone? I check every room in this apartment. No one. "Where have you guys gone?" I pull out my phone to call Y/N when the front door opens. Y/N comes in with Chinsun in a stroller. 

"We are back." She says. 

"Bak," Chinsun says. 

"Where did you guys go?" I ask as I take Chinsun out of the stroller. 

"We walked around the neighboorhood. I met some nice people on the way. An old couple gave me homemade cookies." She shows me a small bag of cookies. 

She walks to the kitchen and in a snap of a finger, the stroller disappears. Good thing Chinsun is young because seeing all of this would do who knows what to her. 

I follow her with Chinsun following me. She sits down and looks me in the eye. "Get ready, we leave next week for the resort." 

"Really?" I can't hold in my excitement. I feel like a 5-year-old who is about to get candy. I look over at Chinsun who is busy playing with her My Little Pony dolls. "At least she will keep Mrs. Lim entertained while we are gone," I state. 

"The resort has a beach, malls, spa, a place to play sports, and a swimming pool. They also offer catering for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Make sure you pack cool since it will be extra hot those days."

"Extra hot? But the weather said it should be warm and breezy." I tell her. Maybe she doesn't know. 

"What did I tell you when we first met? Trust me. Genies are not the only magical creatures that exist." She says with a smirk. She makes a bottle of milk for Chinsun. 

"Wait, what?" My eyes widen. Okay, believing in Genies was hard enough, but now she is saying that there are more mythical creatures out there? 

"Don't stand there with your mouth open, you'll catch fairies." I quickly close my mouth. 

"Fairies?" I mumble with my mouth closed. I grab Chinsun and rush into the living room. I place her on the floor and she gives me a strange look. "You wouldn't undertstand."

I look at Y/N as she watches TV. I have questions I want to ask now, but I don't know if I should.

"Speak." She says without looking at me. 

"How did you know?" I question in amazement.

"I could feel holes burning into me."

"Sorry," I say while lowering my head. 

"Tell me your questions. I can see the wheels in your brains finally turning."

"Really? Wait, are you saying that I am dumb?"

"You said it not me." She finally looks at me and shrugs her shoulders. 

I huff and look away. I am not dumb, I am a smart kid who is ready to take the world by storm. "Rude," I whisper.

Just then the lights go on and off. I look around and see the TV static. What is happening? I look over to Y/N and see her staring at the screen. She then begins to slowly turn her head towards me. Like a scene from a horror movie. The aura around her feels dark and menacing. "What did you call me?" She asks. 

I freeze at the spot. "Um...ummm....nice?" The lights stop flickering and the TV goes back to normal. The aura around her falls and a smile takes form on her lips. 

"That's what I thought you said." She looks back at the screen. "I was hoping you wouldn't make a mistake like my past Master did."

Curiosity fills me and makes me ask, "What happened to your past Master?" I don't know if I want to know. 

She turns her head to me and smirks. With her hands, she mimes and explosion. My eyes widen and I go back to face the TV. Better stay on her good side then. 

A/N: Thank you for reading!!! 🙏🙏🙏🙏 I hope you are enjoying it and please comment and vote to let me know you like this book💙💙💙💚💚💚

Wishing For A Genie |J.JK X Reader|Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora