Chapter 6

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We talk about ourselves and I get informed about how the world has changed. Thinking about it, Chinsun is my 96 Master. I will soon hit 100. When that happens I get to make a choice, whether I will stay as a Genie serving people or live forever in the Genie realm. I have yet to come up with a decision. 

After 20 minutes, the car comes to a stop and parks itself. "Well, it is time to go," I say. We then make our way out of the car and Jungkook takes Master out. I lock the car and we go inside the law firm. We walk up to the receptionist to talk to a lawyer. 

The reception area is very spacious. Marble flooring, white with black strips running through it. The area if filled with windows and a few black leather couches. Behind the receptionist is the hallway to the lawyers rooms.

"Hi, do you have an appointment?" A young lady with too much lipstick and claws as nail asks.

"Yes, for L/N Y/N," I inform her. She looks at her paperwork and scans it. 

"I'm sorry Miss, but your name is nowhere." She begins. 

I smile at her and blink. "Check again." She sighs and does what she is told. 

"Wait, I see it. I am so sorry, I must have missed it somehow." I give her a genuine smile as I console her.

"It's fine. We shall be going then." I tell her. She nods and points for me to head down the hall. I walk down the hall with Jungkook hot on my trail. I stop in front of a room that says, Mrs. Hwang, name on it. 

I knock on the door and hear a faint 'come in'. I open the door and I see a woman in her 30's with brown wavy hair. Her green piercing eyes staring at us. Her light pink matte lipstick laying nicely on her lips. Her makeup was overall stunning.

"Look who the wind blew in." Mrs. Hwang says. 

"Yup. I am here with my master today." I say as I motion to Jungkook since he is holding Chinsun.

"Wow, what a handsome young man. You got a good one." She says in a sultry voice. My eyes widen as I look at Jungkook. He looks at me and our faces turn red. 

"NO! My master is the baby." I point to Chinsun. Jungkook nods his head in agreement

"Oh my. You actually got a baby as a master? These types of cases are very rare. Well dear, at least you have this young man to keep you busy during your wait, especially now that things are getting quiet chilly." She says with a devilish smile and a wink. 

Now I remember why she never became a  Genie like me and the others. She plays too many devilish games like these.

"Mrs. Hwang! That is not why we are here." I tell her. She just laughs and tells us to sit in the chairs in front of us. We do as she says. Jungkook's face is still red and I feel bad for putting him in this situation. 

"So what mere mortal situation do you need help in?" She asks as she pulls out a notebook and a pen. 

"I would like to adopt these two," I say. She looks up from her notebook and raises her eyebrow. 

"Kinky. Adopting a young man like him? Genies nowadays have no chill." Mrs. Hwang says in Latin. 

"Hey! I just want to protect them from an excruciating future. Why must you always insinuate these types of things?" I reply in Latin. I am so done with these type of Genies. They don't grant wishes so they need to have fun somehow. 

"Okay okay. Let me just ask some questions. You there boy, what is your full name?" She begins. 

"Um, Jeon Jungkook?" He says nervously.

"Is that a question or a statement?" She questions him.

"A statement." He replies. I know this will be a long day. 







"Okay, I think I got all the information I need." I jolt back awake. 

"Really?" I question. Hope fills me, I am too tired for this to drag out any longer. 

"Yes, but there will be a problem. His parents are still holding custody of these two and the only way for you to get guardianship over them would mean you would have to go to court and have a judge declare them as incapable of being guardians. Once that happens, you can either adopt Chinsun and become her legal mother, or just be named as a guardian and that's it. Due to the fact that Chinsun is 6 months old, you would be able to gain guardianship over this young man as well." I nod my head in understanding of what she means. 

"What would happen to my parents?" Jungkook questions with uncertainty. 

"Well, because they have been doing drugs with you minors, there is a possibility they will be sent to prison to serve 3 years for substance abuse and child abuse." Jungkook stays quiet as he looks at Chinsun's sleeping figure. 

"I need time to think." He says. 

A/N: Thank you for reading. I really hope you guys enjoy this book. 

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