Chapter 26

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Jungkook's POV

I stand in the living room with Chinsun in my arms. "Monkey." She says as she points to upstairs. I look at her with wide eyes. 

"No Chinsun. No monkey." I place her in her playpen and sit on the couch. I'll just watch some T.V. until Y/N comes back. My mind wanders back to the little creature named Ali. What is this? Aladdin? Why does she have a wild animal here? I go on Netflix and watch Friends. It then starts to rain out of nowhere. Strange, the forecast said hot and dry. 


After a few hours, I reach the episode where the gang makes and breaks a pack to celebrate New Year's Eve without dates. Also, Ross gets lonely and gets a new roommate named, Marcel which is a monkey. I roll my eyes and change the show into Bird Box. As it loads I look towards the stairs. Where is she? She hasn't come down in a long time. I try to shrug the thought away and just focus on the movie. 

A third into the movie, I couldn't take the emptiness so I pause the film and just sit there. I look over at Chinsun who knocked out. I smile at her small form. Chinsun is my top priority, but I don't feel comfortable without Y/N down here.

I stand up and walk up to my room. I will see if she is in her lamp. I open my door as my eyes dart straight to my dresser. Nothing. I enter the room and check everywhere. I look in my closet, under my bed, in the bathroom, and in Chinsun's room. No sign of her lamp. 

"Y/N, where are you?" I call out checking the first floor. I check the laundry room, bathroom, living room, and kitchen. Nowhere. I walk back to the living room and look out the window. Y/N, did you leave me?

I sit on the chair by the window. Tears falling down. Why am I crying? I didn't do anything wrong? She left me so why do I feel so guilty? Just then a thunderstorm rolls in, making people enter their homes. 

"Great, even the world wants to make fun of my sorrows." I pick up Chinsun slowly and make my way upstairs. I place her in her crib and just sit on the rocking chair. I have my reasons on why I don't like that monkey, why can't she see that? I get up and decide to wash away the crashing emotions in me. 

I start the water and get undress. Once the water is a warm temperature I enter the tub. I stand there, letting the water run over my body. There is a window in the bathroom. Right above the shower. I am tall enough for my head to see out of it while standing. The glass is misty from the warm water becoming hot now. I watch the water-fall from the sky. Seeing the building from across the street made me realize how much I hate the city and suburbs. I wash my hair as I think about one day leaving this town. 

I want to live in the countryside. A place with peace and quiet. Somewhere secluded, yet prosperous. I rinse my hair and imagine a future there. 

Chinsun, me, and...and...

I let out a sigh. What am I thinking? Just like now, Y/N will leave. I should just forget about her and move on. What harm will that do? I can probably find someone normal and like me. I can find someone to love me and age with me. Yet my something in my gut twists at the thought of her long forgotten presence.

Will I be able to forget her?

Do I even want to?

Should I?

I turn off the water and see the thunderstorm darken everything in town. The sky only filled with strikes of lightning. I get out of the shower and wrap the towel around my waist. 

"I messed up bad, didn't I?" I look at myself in the mirror. My outside representing how I feel. Sad. Depressed. 

The floor gets soaked by my wet figure. I slowly begin to change into my pajamas. It is around 6 but the dark skies tell me its time to rest. Maybe Y/N will show up tomorrow. We have a week before the resort. Hopefully, things can sort itself out. I would hate for things to get worse. I walk out of the bathroom and place my dirty clothes in the laundry basket. I dry my hair and hang my towel on the towel rack in the bathroom. 

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