Chapter 21

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I walk into the kitchen and make breakfast for Jungkook and Chinsun. Chinsun has begun learning to walk. She can't walk perfectly, but it still cute to see her try. I begin to make pancakes, eggs, bacon. I pour cereal on the high table so Master has something to eat. I set up the table as Jungkook and Chinsun come down. 

"I made you guys breakfast," I say as I bow.

"Why so formal?" Jungkook asks while putting Chinsun in the high chair.

"Breakfast should be respected and since Chinsun is learning to talk, I should start learning my place. She is my master and I need to respect that." I confess.

Jungkook sits down and begins eating. "You're not going to eat?"

"I already did," I say as I sit down across from him.

"Since school is out in 3 days, I was wondering if you thought of a place we could go this summer?" A place to go. Where could we all go?

"I haven't quite thought of anything yet. Do you think your friends will want to come?"

"Maybe. Depends on where we are going. If it's too expensive then probably no." I laugh at him. I am a Genie that has lives for thousands of years. Nothing is too expensive.

"Trust me, nothing is too expensive with this." I lift up two fingers and a black debit card appears between my fingers. "I have lived long enough to afford to pay off debt for every college student in America and more."

He looks at me in shock. "So tell your friends to get ready. I will think of something when you get back."

After breakfast, Jungkook left leaving me and Chinsun alone. "Chinsun, what do you want to do?" I take her off the high chair and plant her on the floor. She waddles her way to the living, falling occasionally. She makes her way to her toy blocks and cars and begins playing. 

I sit on the couch and turn on the television. A bunch of ads played but stuck with me. The Japanese style resort. Maybe they would like to go to one of those? It has a beach, spa, mall, and catering. What is there to not love? I write down the information from the screen to tell them later. 

Just as I finish, someone knocks on the door. It can't be Jungkook or his friends because they should all be at school. I walk over and open the door, once I do a letter floats in as I reach for it. I look outside for any signs of someone, but no one is there. 

I close and lock the door. I walk back to the living room and open the letter. Right when I do, a fierce burn sensation fills my left hand. "Ow, what the hell?" 

I open my hand and there I see burned marks that say, 'I'm Back'. Crap, there is only one person who would try to pull a stunt on me like this. I get up and summon myself back into my lamp which is upstairs. 

Once I am in, I look through my shelves of burn reliever. I find it in a purple jug and immediately grab one teaspoon and let the purple powder fall on my left hand. There the burn and words disappear. "Maybe this resort is a good idea. Getting away without being tracked would benefit me a lot right now."

I summon myself out of my bottle and hurry to make my way back to the living room where Chinsun is. I see that she is alright and relax on the couch. "Why hate me when I didn't do anything? I didn't choose your path, they did. Why can't you love me like a normal family member, sister?"

A/N: Thank you to all the readers who read this!!! 😊😊😊😊 I hope you guys truly enjoy this book. 😄😄😄

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